
Can black poo be the result of taking whey protein for training?

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i poo'd black today, could it mean theres something wrong with me or just result of higher protein in diet




  1. Higher protein will make your waste a little darker and if you don't eat some form of insoluble fiber (via a supplement or veggies/fruit) you're likely to have problems with constipation.

    However, black stool is more likely the result of an iron supplement/vitamin. Whey protein shouldn't give you black stools.

    Have you taken a multivitamin lately? Or have you taken an iron supplement lately?

    Either way, it isn't anything to be concerned about. Unless you're having unusual stomach pain and/or cramping. If you aren't feeling well see your doctor, otherwise don't worry about it.

    Make sure you're eating fiber though, it is very important to your bowel health. If you don't eat enough veggies then try taking a supplement like Citrucel, Metamucil, (or even Benefiber, although that won't help you go. But will help the heart)

    Good Luck!

  2.   Iron supplements,and pepto bismol and related meds can make black poo. Check any supplements you take for iron content. If it is several times the RDA , that may be your answer. With iron, you don't need more than the RDA as you might with some vitamins.

      Otherwise see your doctor fast. It could be a sign of intestinal bleeding , or ulcers, even if you have no pain .  I don't want to scare you , but you need to be scared enough to check this out.

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