
Can blind people see in their dreams?

by  |  earlier

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I've always wondered about that.




  1. i would imagine so  

  2. well it would be hard for them to visualize anything as they may not have seen anything before but i suppose the see their own ideas of objects...

    good question thoe

    i'd be really interested in your answer to my question if you can check it out, you might find it interesting to... other ppl plz answer 2;...

  3. yes- because it is inside your head- it involves know actual sight i believe...

    although if they were born blind then it is their perseption of what everything looks like... because they would not really know

  4. let me know

  5. um i think so maybe?

  6. It's possible, but a blind dude wouldn't even know what it would feel like to see!

  7. yes, they can but only during full moons and new moons. by the way, youre a ******* idiot

  8. Blind people do dream.  Whether visual images will appear in their dream depends on  whether they where blind at birth or became blind later in life. But vision is not the only sense that constitutes a dream. Sounds, tactility, and smell become hypersensitive for the blind and their dreams are based on these senses.

    Hey that's my question last week!;...

    Hehehehe :)  (Peace)

  9. If they became blind somewhere down the road, then yes. If they became blind somewhere down the road but loses their memory, perhaps they were very young, then what they see may be very abstract. If they were blind from the get-go, they probably can see in their dreams, but it would be very different--you can't really test it though, unless you somehow give them sight.

  10. i think that they would be able to......Sigmund Freud had a theory that dreams are used to fulfill wishes and it seems to me that a blind person would wish to see  

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