
Can blind ppl see their dreams?

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Can blind ppl see their dreams?




  1. It seems that dreams are mostly constructed from large term memory, which also explains why some things are so strange in dreams.

    As for blind people, it entirely depends. If the blind person has never been able to see (he was born blind for example), there is no way he is able to see dreams, as he was never able to gain any visual imagery in the first place. However, people that go blind during their life (when they are teen, adult, whatever), should be able to see dreams, since dreams depend on the long term memory. Because these people have gained visual imagery, they should be able to experience it as well.

    That doesn't mean that blind people from birth cannot have dreams; they can dream, but their dreams are purely audio, without images. This is what I found out through my sources anyway.  

  2. thats a ggod question

    but i am not egsagtly sure but most likly they can see because the dream is in there head

    ya know

    when you sleep your eyes arn't open so ya

  3. I'm not sure, but I read somewhere that they have dreams and they're much clearer than ours.

  4. blind ppl dont have dreams

  5. Haha that's a good question ! & i have no idea. =P

    I'm guessing that if you are a blind person know that could once see you could probably "see ur dreams" but if u never ever knew what "see-ing" was like in the 1st place(born blind) then im guessing no..


  6. if they have been able to see once in their life and they can remember it. yes they do.  but if they do not know what its like to be able to see. then they couldn't see in their dream. they wouldn't know what seeing is like.  they could have a dream of what they 'think' being able to see is like.

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