
Can bread that has already been baked be made into alcohol?

by Guest59626  |  earlier

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Is there a way that stale or unused bread can be boiled or otherwise be made into ethanol? If there is someone that know would you please explain?




  1. Im sorry, but I don't believe you can do that. The yeast used in makeing bread has already gone through a process and there for I can not see you having success in putting it through another process. Good luck though.And I truly mean that,

  2. Yes there is.  The bread is made of grains and basically starches and sugars.  Although the yeast used to make the bread rise does use some of the sugars the baking process stops the yeast.  If you were to ground up the bread and add a new batch of yeast, the fermentation process would start again.  

    Has it been done?  All the time.  In prisons the inmate population make homemade alcohol out of bread.  When ground up and some type of sugar water added the yeast in the bread will often reactivate and begin fermentation.  In the dirty south they call this type of prison alcohol Buck.  

    If you want higher quality alcohol you would have to distill it.

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