
Can breastfeeding make you lose more weight than before you got pregnant?

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i have gained 13 pounds and am about due, and i have heard of women losing up to 40 pounds with breastfeeding.. would that happen to me or would i just stop losing after 13 pounds?




  1. I lost an extra 11 lbs before I stopped bf.  You burn extra calories by breastfeeding but you shouldn't use this as a diet.  You need those extra calories to make fullfilling milk for your baby.  You will notice that you are starved when or after breastfeeding.  Also, you need to drink lots of water but don't overdo the water.

  2. I lost all my baby weight (35 lbs.) by 6 weeks and still losing... I've almost lost a total 45 and my son is 4.5 months old. Congrats and best of luck with your new addition

  3. They say breastfeeding burns approximately 500 calories per day and that mothers who breastfeed lose more weight more quickly without dieting.

    I lost all my baby weight (26 lbs) and more. I lost 28 lbs by the Friday after the Saturday I gave birth (no kidding). My son is four months and I have lost 48 lbs. I lost all of it by 2 months and have maintained. I could probably lose more if I stop eating ice cream every day. LOL!

  4. Absolutely.  Breastfeeding one baby burns approximately 500 calories per day.  Medical research shows that mothers who breastfeed lose more weight more quickly without dieting than do mothers who are bottle-feeding AND on a diet.  

    In my experience, I had lost all of my pregnancy weight within the first six weeks after my first son was born.  By the time I got pregnant again, I was 10 pounds below my first pre-pregnancy weight.  After the second pregnancy (twins that time!), I had again lost all of my pregnancy weight (50 pounds!) within the first six weeks.  Now, at 15 months postpartum, I am again down about 10 pounds below my pre-pregnancy weight.

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