
Can breathing secound hand marijuana smoke make you high or buzzed? if so how much?

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Can breathing secound hand marijuana smoke make you high or buzzed? if so how much?




  1. secound is spelled second and yes you will get a buzz it is called a contact buzz. and it depends on how much your around it eventually you will build up a tolerance and the second hand smoke will not effect you

    not how long your around the smoke or what kind of weed it is

  2. it can get you buzzed. its called a contact buzz.

    and it all depends on how long you are around it and what type of weed it is.

  3. It isn't likely if you are simply in the same room with someone who is smoking it. Rooms generally have enough ventilation that you wont inhale the amount of THC needed to get high.

    On the other hand, if you are in an enclosed space such as a car with the windows closed, where the air is recirculated, then it is certainly possible.

    Many people claim to get contact highs from being in the same room as pot smokers, although this is largely due to placebo effect. True contact highs do happen, but are much more rare than many people think.

  4. If you are not used to marijuana smoke and are in an enclosed space, then you might get a contact high via what is known as being "hot boxed".

    Otherwise, it might not have much of an effect.

  5. Yeah it can get u a buzz i guess. if the peeps are clam bakin and ur in the room with them then u'll deff get a buzz+. but if they;re jus doin it in like an open area or rele big room u prolly wont get much outta it.

  6. Yes it can. It's called a contact high.  And it depends on if you are used to it or not.  If you aren't used to it then you can get pretty buzzed.  If you are used to it then you probably wouldn't feel much of anything.

  7. Well it can and it will. Just like secondhand smoke. If you are not a smoker, oh it is gross and you will not like it. It smells like burnt oil. Actually, it gives me a headache. I hate it.

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