
Can brownish spottin only after urinating and wiping, no blood at all wat-so-ever for 2 months mean pregnancy?

by  |  earlier

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i've been sleepin alot, i get head aches, i get really hungry and crave things but some just give me nausea. my belly button feels like its pullin inward, i dont wake up with nausea but jus feel like c**p all day. i crave alot of frozen stuff like ice cream, ice, freeze pops. can that mean im pregnant? im too scared to take a test because i want to have a baby but im scared of the results. im scared im not and i got my hopes up thinkin i am, but then again im scared i am because it will be my first child. please help a girl a out. im only 19... thanx




  1. yh it means u r pregnant and the brown blood is old 1 so dontworry abt that&u can take the test without any fears but jus be carefull have rest and dont lift heavy stuff in ur 1st trimester and try to avoid having s*x and go to the dr think possitive 1st of all u r pregnant for sure and somehow if u r not dont lose ur hope and keep trying but i m 100% sure u r pregnant.


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