
Can bunnies eat wheat thins?

by Guest66781  |  earlier

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Can bunnies eat wheat thins?




  1. yes but not much

  2. Bunnies shouldn't eat human food except for fruits and veggies. Fruit should be moderate though because of sugar. Greens everyday and fruit once a week.

  3. I suppose they could...I don't think it would hurt them any. Once in awhile we feed our bunny animal crackers so its kinda like the same thing.

  4. I dont think they should because the salt can be a problem and grain isnt the best for them! They should eat rabbit food, hay , fruits , and veggies. if they were meant to eat our food then that would only happen in like a parralell universe! LOL Well I wouldnt risk it, so happy bunny days!

  5. well my bun gets chocolate cheese biscuits cookies he's fine oy a few like 2 times a week but hes fine with it all

  6. They shouldn't- grains aren't very good for them and neither is a lot of excess salt.

  7. Yeah.

    My rabbit eats random things like cheerios and pieces of hotdogs.

    He really likes homemade bisquits.

    My father claims that if he can eat power cords/plastic/wood/cardboard, he can eat whatever.

  8. yes but just a couple

    and please dont feed it any leafy greens

    thats really not good for its digestion

  9. as a snack in moderation - yes they may have a wheat thin

  10. probably. but, like everything else, you should give them wheat thins only for a treat, and not all the time. also, only give ur bunny 2 or less, so it doesn't mess with it's digestive system.

  11. They really shouldn't, their digestive track is very sensitive.

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