
Can buried copper wires be detected without digging for them?

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I have 3 copper wires that are #10 AWG running from an outbuilding to an unknown point in my yard. I beleive they have been cut somewhere underground so I can't complete a circuit to find them. Is there a detector that can find these if they are buried between 12 to 18 inches deep?




  1. Yes, a wire and pipe locator device should be able to detect the wire, but it might need to be able to put its own trace signal on the wire, so presumably you can un-wire one end or the other.

    Search for:   wire pipe locator  

    But assuming you don't want to buy one of these devices, you probably want to call a plumber or electrician who has one to come out and find the wire as well as where the break is.

  2. The electric company mapped one for me.  They hooked up a device which they said would send a radio signal through the wire.  They then used a detector to trace the wire.  They sprayed paint on the ground to mark it.   I expect the wire acts as an underground antenna.  Therefore it should work on your cut wires.

  3. I'm not sure... but, I would think that a regular metal detector (the kind people use at the beach to find coins) should be able to locate the copper.

    BTW, my guess is that the wires head over towards the main circuit breaker box for your house (the one that is outside, where the power line comes into your house from the power company).

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