
Can bus brakes be made quieter?

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I ride the city buses here in Washington, DC. Sometimes when they stop in front of me, there is a terrible screeching from the brakes that swamps out all sound. I have a feeling it's a dangerously high level of decibels. I assume that the brakes are hydraulic - does anyone know if that's true? Is what I'm hearing a malfunction of those brakes and can they be updated with any new technologies to make them not as loud?




  1. They can but to make the quieter versions would cost more money and the people that own the busses dont want to spend that money, so they can get richer.

  2. certain compounds in the friction material used in brakes is noisy by nature. be glad it stopped, and don't worry about the noise.

  3. alright dude, you're not gonna go deaf.. the technology has been the same for decades and no one's gone deaf from brake screeching... and they're actually pneumatic. they're also the safest brakes we have

  4. Loud bus brakes are a good thing because it warns any unaware pedestrians that there's a 20 ton heap of rolling steel coming right at them.

  5. Probably. I too live in a big city and I believe we also have hydraulic bakes. I am sure they can find more quieter ways to brake but then that would mean higher fares and more congestion because less buses on the road. I'd try earplugs.

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