
Can cajun people and people from france communcate?

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Can cajun people and people from france communcate?




  1. That would be a no. Cajuns (French: les Cadiens) are an ethnic group mainly living in Louisiana, consisting of the descendants of Acadian exiles and peoples of other ethnicities with whom the Acadians eventually intermarried on the semitropical frontier. Today, the Cajuns make up a significant portion of south Louisiana's population, and have exerted an enormous impact on the state's culture. What you're thinking of is Creole, which is a combination of languages rooted in French, Native American, Spanish, and West African language bases.

  2. No, the Cajun dialect is so far different from any other French dialect that it is like having someone who understands Middle English (think Chaucer) try to read today's standard American English.

    In fact, when I was little my grandmother refused to teach me Cajun French because it was so different from "book French" that it would mess me up in school if I ever took a French course.

  3. The answer is the same as when you asked the same question two days ago.

    While Cajun French differs from mainstream French after more than 200 years of seperate evolution it is still understood.

    The notion that it is like "Middle English" is absurd.  Middle English was last spoken in the middle of the 15th century.

    Creole French is something entirely different than Cajun French.

  4. Have to disagree with the first answer.  I'd say yes.  The dialect is different, but it's more like someone from the east coast speaking to someone with a southern drawl.  You might have to have them repeat something a couple of times, but the english is the same (or in this case, the french is mostly the same).

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