
Can camels run faster than horses?

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Can camels run faster than horses?




  1. Actually, this depends! If a camel is running at the Preakness, more than likely not. However, if a horse races a camel in the sand in a sand storm, I'm pretty sure the camel might win.

  2. No. But they could last longer in the dessert.

  3. no cause horses can run really fast

  4. all depends on the type of animals involved ,dont really know but i would think the horse would win in a short race,the camel in a distance one..lil extra info,its been proven a horse can cover on average 30 to 40 miles a day,while a man can cover in excess of 65 to 70 miles in a day.....long ago it was a test of manhood for some native tribes,a wild horse was released and the youngman had till sundown to return with the horse...sorry for going on hava goot day

  5. Yes, they can if racing on sand in open country.

    During the filming of the movie, "Lawence of Arabia" the camels out ran the horses in the sand on every single take. Eventually David Lean became so fed up that He had to shoot the sequence, not as a panarama shot, but as a series of inter cut montages.

  6. No.

  7. no......

  8. no could camels have to hump and a horses have no hump

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