
Can can i get discharged from the marine bootcamp?

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tell me how i can get discharged from the marines




  1. Shoot yourself in the foot. True. I was hurt in basic training. In the Army. I went to the hospital. As I was waiting this guy came in with a bloody foot. I was like what happen to you? He told me he shot himself in the foot to get out of basic training and the Army. I'm sure there are better ways to do it then shoot yourself in the foot. That was pretty extreme.

  2. get shot not killed just shot in an arm or leg has to break the bone

  3. Grab your gun and run out of the baracks naked and start screaming.... charlies after me  oowraw  oowraw oowraw!!!!

  4. They can't keep you there if you don't want to be there.


    Go to your instructor and say you can't make the grade.

    You'll get a good amount of intimidation, but not everyone is cut to be a Marine.

    Don't expect an honorable discharge. You can not call yoursef 'Veteran' afterwards, or receive any military benefits thereafter.

    Good luck

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