
Can carrier bags be made from recyclable plastic?

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Can carrier bags be made from recyclable plastic?




  1. Yes, but it would be better to use the plastic to make larger items such as fence posts, paving or benches, and use a fabric bag or similar for shopping.

  2. Carrier bags are recyclable. The only problem is that they are so low in density that it would make it economically unviable for a commercial recycling firm to collect enough as they do with other materials for recycling - it would take huge containers to collect enough carrier bags to make it economically worth while.

  3. they would be a lot weaker.. thats why shops do them super strength ones..

    ironically years ago people used to have shopping bags, so were more environmentally friendly..

    also a lot of people use them for waste paper bins instead of bin-liners..

  4. carrier bags ARE made from recyclabale plastic because plastic is recyclable.

  5. Sainsbury's carrier bags are already made from at least 33% recycled plastic.

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