
Can cars use water as fuel combined with gas?

by Guest58182  |  earlier

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I did see in the net, a company advertising that it can modify the car engine system with a price less than a $1000 to make the use tap water with the gas fuel to save gas and increase the gas mileage. Your opinion and any encouragement welcome




  1. Look up HHO or Brown's gas.  They electrolyze water to split it into its individual elements and burn it.  Brown's gas is most definitely real.  Can it improve your gas mileage?  I have no idea,

  2. i doubt it will be to a high standard, otherwise so many other people would have switched to it with the rising petrol prices. It may work, but im pretty sure it will damage your care internally. Stick to the basics. And havnt heard of such thing, it'd probably be all over the news by now

  3. listen water injection is the only way.It was used in WW2 planes.

    A small mist is added to the intake air.Works on diesels too.Example A Mercedes 617 gets around 34 hwy,with injection 60 mpg.

    It also for gasoline cars allows lower octane fuels.

  4. Mr Flannery..You are correct sir..H2O..2 atoms of Hydrogen. a very explosive gas, 1 Atom of Oxygen..which will support combustion...I see this as a little tweak from God..who would guess that these two gasses, when combined would be the 'soup' that life depends upon..Water..fraction out the Hydrogen..not really that tough, and you get a gas that will fire any internal combustion engine..Hi Ho..

  5. trust me it would be worth a lot more then a hundred dolars  for that modification... sure hope they got good stock in dry g*y with that idea

  6. Very definitely yes. It can improve you MPG figure enormously, I have been told 40% minimum improvement for our car. I'll be fitting the system later this month. It costs around $200, and is very simple technology. See website below.

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