
Can cats drink milk?

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i have a two year old cat and whenever i drink or eat milk with cereal, he always licks the spoon. i hope that it won't affect him.




  1. No, cats can not tolerate milk.  It upsets their stomachs and digestion.  Depending on the kitty - it can cause either of the following vomiting, diarrhea, and or constipation.

    However - I would be a hypocrite/liar if I said to you I NEVER allowed my cats to l**k my spoon.  And they were fine...  I just yell at others for doing it!!   lol  :)

  2. Maybe you should not because it can make a cat`s tummy hurt, but you could give little to your cat once in a while  

  3. Yes cats can have any amount or type they want

  4. That small amount, no problem but too much gives them the runs.

    You can buy "Cat milk" - no,not from cats but for cats.

    Lactose free, so no problems.

  5. l*****g the spoon should not hurt him, but giving an animal cow's milk is never a good idea, it causes digestive problems.  However, they do like the taste of it so some kitten milk as a treat once in a while is fine.  Not sure if they would like Soy milk but you never know.

  6. You definetley should not let him drink milk.  I went to the vet to ask her if i can ffeed my kitten milk and she said kittens can only drink milk from there mom and after they are adopted the owern should not give them milk becaues it causes staomach problems and diarrhea.  You can let him l**k the spoon occassionaly but milk is not good for cats.  

  7. Yes they can but it really makes them blow chunks and you have to clean up the mess all the time and its really gross You really should let them drink water. but you can feed them milk but I wouldn't recommend it.

  8. Cats are actually lactose intolerant and shouldn't be given large amounts of regular milk. But if it's just l*****g a milky spoon it's not going to hurt him.

  9. Milk and dairy products are unhealthy for cats. It upsets their tummies and can make them vomit and have diarrhea.

  10. Nope, Im afraid not. The lactose in the milk, gives cats diarreoa. You can buy, Special cat milk eg - felix. And you can buy Lactose free milk:).

  11. Cats should never be given cow's milk. It can give them worms.

  12. yes, but if they drink alot it givs them diareah  

  13. Sure.  To much of anything is bad tho. But a bowl of milk is good to give Cats every once in awhile.

  14. No cats are not supposed to drink milk as it can upset their tummy.Most cats are actually lactose intolerant.Stick to special made cat milk to be sure!

    I used to think cats drank milk,it was'nt until the vet told me that I knew.Good luck with your kitty!

  15. If you are only letting him l**k your spoon, I don't think that is enough milk to upset his stomach.   If this small amount of milk does not give him diarrhea or make him vomit, I would let him have it.

    My oldest kitty (17) loves to lap a little milk--and I've only allowed her a little in the spoon, but within an hour she will vomit.  So, I got the specially formulated cat milk for her and she loves it.  It is thick more like condensed milk and has a nice aroma.  She has to take medicine for hyperthyroidism and sometimes I crush her pill and give it to her in  the milk--she thinks it is a treat and laps it right down!

    Purrs to you and your kitty.
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