
Can cats get a cold?

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My s**y cat (whos around 7 yrs old), seems to have a bit of a cold.

He seems very tired, and doesn't purr as much.

His purring sounds like a stuffy nose.

His eyes are a little watery.

He sneezed once.

Whats up with him? Is he getting a cold? Should I worry? Advice please!!!!!!!!!




  1. Colds are pretty common in cats, as are allergies. I wouldn't worry too much about your cat, I'm sure he'll be just fine. However, if he loses too much weight or has this sickness for more than two weeks I'd phone the vet. If you're overly worried about him, you could possibly get him in earlier. If it is allergies they have medicines that can make him feel better, though they are a bit expensive.  

  2. The cold is caused by the rhinovirus which affects HUMANS only.

    What your cat probably has is an upper respiratory infection.  They do not tend to go away without a course of antibiotics.  Take him to the vet.  Your cat will most likely be given Clavamox, an amoxycillin, that you'll have to give him twice a day for ten days.  

    The good news is once they get on the antibiotics they tend to clear up quite quickly.  But don't wait - the worse the cat gets the longer it'll take to clear up.  He's probably either eating very little or not at all right now, too - which is very bad.  Cats won't eat what they can't smell.

    Is this an indoor or outdoor cat?  If he's allowed outdoors it may even be something more serious than a simple URI as he may have encountered a very ill cat that's infected him.  So please don't hesitate to get him looked at.

  3. Cats get a lot of upper respiratory illnesses, some more serious than others.  If he's got green or yellow discharge from his eyes or nose, he should get antibiotics.  If it's clear, its probably a virus.  Some uri's can damage the eyes, so if they get red and puffy he'll probably need eye drops or an ointment.  Cats won't eat what they can't smell, so if he isn't eating try warming up some stinky canned food or tuna to baby bottle temperature.  If he's not vaccinated I'd be more worried about it being serious, but regardless if it's getting worse a vet should see him.

  4. Thats a big YES!!!!!!!! Your cat might be getting a  URI which is a upper respiratory infection. And the symptoms are watery eyes and mostly stuffy nose and congestion. Sneezing is also one of the major symptoms.  So don't wait till it gets worse take him in to the vet asap.

  5. I would call your vet as soon as possible. No harm on being care full Maybe you should keep it inside if it's not already and put out some blankets or towels that have been in the dryer for a little bit on the floor.

  6. Its either a cold or an upper respatory infection but he may need to see a vet to get some medications because if it were yo then you would got to the store and get something for it.

    But if you can't afford vet then go to local feed store such as tractor supply and see what you can find and ask the workers there if they have medicine to treat your cat I'm pretty sure they do.

    Good Luck.....!!!!!!

    Hope I Helped..... :)

    GET WELL SOON KITTY KITTY hope you the best....!!!!

  7. Yes, they can. It sounds like yours does have one. Their noses should be dry/the opposite of a dogs. So, when there noses are wet, eyes are watery, and they sneeze it does mean that they have a cold. I have never taken my cat to the vet when she had this, it always went away on it's own.

    However, if you feel like you need it, but you could always call first and see what they say.

  8. yes they can . they are organic life forms susceptible to viruses and allergies like we are.  

  9. Awww, yes they can catch colds, my puppy has one right now and is experiencing similar symptoms. I wouldn't worry too much about it, but it's always a good idea him to a vet just to be sure.

  10. absolutely. cats are the same way about getting colds as us humans. not to mention they get the same symptoms. take him to the vet if your worried and get a professional opinion on whats wrong with your cat as i am NOT a vet lol.

  11. Though cats are not proned to most diseases that humans would catch, they can become ill.

    If the symptoms seem to persist or worsen, you may consider taking the cat to a vet.
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