
Can cats get a vibe from humans?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so right now I'm living in a house with my boyfriend and his mother. We are renting it, and she only lives here part time. Well... when she is gone, everything is fine, the pets all act fine. But as soon as she walks in the door, something changes. Her cat becomes mean... beating up my dog, hurting her to the point of bleeding, her dog just freaks out, and both my pets get scared and start going to the bathroom in the house... all over her stuff. Why is this?? I dont understand. Can pets get vibes from people, and change this much. Because is only seems to happen as soon as she walks in the door. How can I stop this, or change it???




  1. Oh of course they can!


    The kitty probably is experiencing stress from her absence.

    you can try bribing her with treats and playing with her, paying her some attention.

  2. Of course, cats can definitely pick up on vibes and are probably much more aware of those type of things than humans. I don't know what the cat is thinking, but the only way to stop it is to ban mom from coming over.

  3. the cat is mad at her for leaving. this is the cats way of rebelling when she comes home.  The dogs are scared of her and the cat.  Sounds like the dogs don't like her. Is she friendly towards them?  Yes cats can get a vibe from people, i always judged someone by how my cat would respond to them, my cats would hiss & growl if they didn't like someone. They were right too. One of my cats now will run and hide if someone comes over, but on a rare occasion  he actually came out and walked right up to the person that was here for the very first time.  I about fell out of my chair.  The kid was the only friend my son had that i actually trusted and he was the only one that actually was not a trouble maker. seriously i know it sound crazy.  If you know in advanced when mil is coming home go ahead and put dogs somewhere else.

  4. YES cats can especially sense things deeper than us humans. They can see things and hear things they have a keen sense. Somethings up with your bf mom idk maybe try to put the cat in the other room when she comes in  

  5. Cats are are only human

    You maybe only have an eye contact to communicate with a cat.

    With dogs you are a master, but with felines you must play on a level


    So you must learn their sign language and the command is yours.

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