
Can cats have cantaloupe ?

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my cat loves cantaloupe and banana pineapple , orange , watermelon , grape juice , all juices , asparagus , he loves all the food I eat please give me a link to a site that will give me a list of things he can't eat I don't want to kill him thanks =^..^=




  1. Ok i cant list everything but go to this website:

    copy and paste this to your website bar thingy up at the top u should get a full list of what cats cant eat.

    You should be safe with what you have listed (btw i think it is so funny that cats do that sometimes mine will jump on my counter and eat the leftovers lol and he's almost seven years old)

  2. you should not give cats anything but cat food.  Did you know grapes/raisins/prunes are deadlier than chocolate?  This source is from the Seeing Eye Dog Training Center in NY.  Talk to your vet and get an approved list from hm/her - not here. The internet can, and often will, give you bad information.  The acids in most fruits can damage the stomach lining in animals, and can cause ulcers.  The only fruit I have ever seen a vet approve is apples, and only on a very limited basis.  Please, call your vets office, they should be able to give you correct, free advice on what your cat can, and cannot, eat safely.

  3. From your list, I also give my cat watermelon sometimes and honedew. I wouldn't give him banana, asparagus, GRAPE juice, and any juice. Too sugary for them.

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