
Can cats suffocate you to death in sleep?

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I've heard news accounts of babies dying possibly because a cat slept on their face, but has this ever happened to an adult? Has a cat ever suffocated someone to death by sleeping on his face?




  1. its ridiculous but true. its the same concept that if a 500 pound object was on u and u couldnt breathe ud suffocate and die..

  2. if the cat is too FAT, yes.

  3. I'm sure that if your body realizes that you are suffocating, you would have adequate time to wake up and shove the cat off.

    Besides, I've never seen a cat curl up on a person's face; they seem to enjoy stomachs and the tops of heads better.

  4. Don't have your cat's butt on your face and u won't suffocate!

  5. With a small child it is possible, but as an adult (unless you are severely incapacitated) you'll move or knock the obstruction away as soon as your body realizes it isn't getting enough oxygen.  

  6. If they belong to Linda P they will.;...

  7. babies is plausible, since they can even die just by stop breathing in the middle of the night and they aren't strong enough to life the cat.

    as for adults: if the cat's on the stomach, no. if a cat crawls onto your face, no cause it'll definitely wake you up.

    however it might, might, be possible that without standing anywhere else on your body so that you don't wake up the cat can come up and step really hard on your wind pipe in your throat and cause it to collapse.

  8. I'd think that I'd wake up immediately if my cat laid down on my face.. I'm sure it happens, but I'd think it happens to drunk people who are entirely passed out. I wouldnt' worry about it.  

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