
Can cell phones cause cancer or other bad health?

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Can cell phones cause cancer or other bad health?




  1. There are studies goin on for this. so far.... no

  2. As i know, cell phone if you did switch on even you are in sleep will really affect your health.

    First, this is due to cell phone will actually spread out radioactive isotopes that could kill or mutate our body cells.

    Thus, if you really want to switch on your cell phone when you are sleeping, make sure you don't put near with you.

    Besides, make sure you don't talk too long with your friends when you are using cell phone.

    Cell phone can really cause cancer but is only for person who do not how to use it.

    In case these is just some information i heard from somebody,

    believe it o not it's up to you!^()^

  3. Absolutely not!!!!! It is a myth that cell phones cause cancer. They can't cause any bad health except maybe a car accident if you are talking on them wile driving.

  4. it has not been proven that it does,cause cancer.

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