
Can cell phones cook popcorn? I read a short headline on this. Is it possible?

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Can cell phones cook popcorn? I read a short headline on this. Is it possible?




  1. Much easier to use the stove and a d**n sight quicker. Who wants to wait 65 minutes when you can do it in 3

  2. Go ahead and try it, but if they could don't you think your brain would be MEDIUM WELL by now?

  3. i sw the vid

    it is totaly possible!

    i think it can if u have enough phones!

    ..but i wouldnt eat the popcorn though uz i dont know if it would be good for u with the radio waves or something

  4. Yeah i saw the vid, its not possible! here read the snopes article on it!! I thought it was true at first too, at least from watching the video it looks pretty real. Who knows...

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