
Can chicken fly? My garden is beside Abby's and my chickens always walk on the edging.?

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I'm afraid if they fall ?




  1. have you seen chicken run? no? well maybe you should its educational and hilarious. and it will answer your question

  2. Chickens can fly.  They don't fly very well, but they can fly for a short distance - usually about 30 feet horizontal and 6 feet vertical.

  3. The do not really fly like you would see an eagle or a blue jay doing but more they fly to jump and get to higher places, The best way to describe it is they fly jump. LOL if that makes sense.

  4. no they fall

  5. chickens can't fly but they can flap and slow down ther fall so they dont get injured.

  6. Chickens can fly abit, but not too high. if you clip their feathers on one wing it  will stop them flying too high. but they can get used to it.

    Yes chickens can walk on edging, their birds.

  7. yes they can fly as a child I usty take peacock ,chicken and domestic goose from my father garden take them to the top of the 9 floor neer by bilding and throw them away and wach , peacocks fly great they flap with there wings 4 or 5 time and then glide for 5 seconds and they fly back to my garden so they have good sens of direction ,they fly like 500 meters. Probably because they had high start from 9 floor ,domestic goose can fly but not as well as peacocks they land 20 meters from the bildindg and cant glide but they land softly and chicken is the worst they crash land and ofen just 5 metars from the bilding they dont have any forvard speed and they fall like a parachute they cant glide and ofen they have scrape on ther legs after but at list they can break ther fall with rapid flaping of there wings .I was interestid in all flying animals ,today Im hang gliding and paragliding instructor. sorry about my spealing Im from Croatia and English is not my first language.  


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  8. Chickens don't really fly like a reg bird but they use the wings to lift themselves or lower themselves to higher places and to come back to the ground or to escape dangers, and most chickens will walk a fence line or a fence if they can get that high and yours can maybe you need to clip a wing this throws the balance off and they can't fly as good and wont be able to get to top of fence, if don't know how then don't do you can cause serious damage but if want to you can get info from net or ask some one who has done this to help you do to your birds.

  9. chickens body weight is too big for their wings but they can fly upwards for a short distance usually no more than 2 metres

  10. Yes, but not far. usually up to the tree tops and back down in the morning

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