
Can children who havent had MMR go to UK schools and nurseries?

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I'm not asking for your judgemenst here as to why my son is not having MMR - hes had every other jab there is except MMR. I dont condemn people who do have it, but its my choice and i've made it for my son and any kids i have in years to come.

what i want to know is, are children allowed to go to public school without having received MMR because i work in a school and they cant even tell me so i'm asking others for their experience. i know that they have to have it in the USA but what about here in the UK?




  1. Yes they can!

    MMR should be made compulsory

    your son is at more risk not having it!!

    it doesnt cause autism

    my son has had it and is developing perfectly!

    there is no link, autism is thought to be devloping around about the age the mmr jab is given anyways!!

  2. The MMR vaccine is harmless. The scientist (yes, single scientist) who came up with the findings which made all the newspapers now has a criminal conviction and no longer has a license to practice medicine.

    Drop the stupid tabloid and protect your child!

    I hope you don't think this judgemental, I just can't help but worry about the damage done by lying tabloid bo****ks.

    I don't know the answer to your question but you can find out by going to -

  3. Yes to schoold and check with the nursey on their policies.    The DOH are probably going to make it compulsory because the risk of an outbreak epidemic of measles, mumps and rubella. Fair enough it's your choice i wount judge you on that but if no one got their child immunised and there was an outbreak and YOUR child caught something the first thing YOUR going do is blame is the DOH for letting this happen even though YOU DON'T WANT TO PROTECT YOUR CHILD from life treathning diseases you'll still blame them. Children not getting immunised are putting other people at risk. That's very sad about your sister and i wouldn't wish that on anyone but that still could've happened your sister if she didn't get injected sure look at the millions of children it hasn't affected, i think i'd rather take the chance than watch my own child dying probably in pain all because i didn't want to protect them and i knowing that i could've but choose not to.

  4. yes they are allowed as i work in a pre-school setting and many children within our setting have not had the mmr jab. it is advised in primary schools but not compulsory.

  5. yes they can but when they do get mumps or the rest they will have to stay away from school cos any other kids who havn't had the jab will also get it. Although as a medical minded person i would strongly advise they have them but i end it there you made ur choice and i don't want an arugement.

  6. They can go to state schools without, private schools and nurseries have their own policies - we had to show our red book when enrolling our kids at a private nursery but not at the local school.

  7. every child is entitled to an education regarding of their or their parents beliefs,ect.

  8. Are you American? Public schools are the ones we pay for here, state schools are the free ones.

    In answer to your question, you are not compelled to give your child the MMR, and every child under 16 MUST have an education. So yes, they can go to school.

    However, your refusal to give your child the MMR is very ill-advised. Non-participation reduces effectiveness severely. Measles is a killer, and on the increase, it is sometimes not just a few harmless spots. Mumps can be particularly nasty, especially in teenage boys and young men, who may become sterile after suffering mumps. Rubella is seemingly not too bad, but pregnant women who come into contact with it risk having babies with very serious birth defects, and although these nasty effects are mostly confined to women, males help to spread it around. Show your son some love, give him the MMR. You could be saving his life, his fertility and his children in the future.

  9. OK I  finally read the whys and I can't say I blame you

    Talk with your doctor about getting them separately

    especially for Measles and Mumps.

    If the UK starts requiring it then get your Dr to write note as

    to why If he/she is supportive the note could say

    NO MMR due to medical reasons which is not exactly a lie

    since there is a greater chance he might react than your average kid.

    II think you made a wise choice though I do worry about your son's risk of disease talk with your doctor about his risks and other ways to prevent this.

  10. Pathetic ...... blame the mmr its just stupid years and years ago there were autistic people BUT no mmr jab and still there was Autism you need to stop reading to much into what the media is saying and think for yourself !

    And don't tell me i don't know.. I do twin son is nine and has severe autism non verbal ..i dont go around say its the jabs fault ....its life !

  11. yes, your son can still  go to school.  I didn't have the booster that your meant to have at 5 until I was about  15 and know one ever had a problem with it.  Having said that I did manage to german measlea and then get sent home with a heat rash because my school thought it was mumps - LOL   If you're not giving him the MMR, i would urge you to think about giving him the seperate vaccines.

  12. Yes. So far anyway.

  13. They haven't made it compulsory yet but they will.

    Check out these links.

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