
Can christians experience the paranormal?

by Guest61512  |  earlier

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Can christians experience the paranormal?




  1. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as "paranormal." But keep reading.

    Anything man can not explain, he labels as "supernatural" or "paranormal." But if there are ghosts, ESP, or anything else, it is as natural as can be. Man just can not yet explain it.

    There is science we understand, and there is science we don't understand. But ghosts and ESP, if real, have scientific explanations. Some day, we many be able to explain them in scientific terms.

    So to answer your question, yes Christians can experience anything that anyone else can.

  2. anyone who says that never has a strange thing happened that was unexplainable is a liar

  3. Sure enough; many of them are not likely to admit it or they will say it was "the hand of God".

  4. Anyone can.

  5. why wouldnt they, can athiests experience the paranormal? you bet, I have one on my team. The paranormal doesnt follow religious or non religious guidelines.

  6. only if they are open minded

  7. sure can,  christ helped lazarus rise from the dead, and, he himself was seen after he died.  that is paranormal.  so, why couldn't christians experience paranormal phenomenon

  8. yes, God is spirit.

  9. As long as the magical belief systems don't overlap there shouldn't be anything precluding a Christian from believing in the paranormal.  Actually, given the underlying story of Christianity, I would say Christians are *required* to believe in the paranormal.

  10. Of course..just because you're religious doesn't mean you aren't exposed to the truth LOL

  11. I guess it depends on your definition of "paranormal". When paranormal things want to happen, I don't know how anyone could keep them from happening. Also, I don't think anyone could "make" them happen. (Maybe "encourage"...but not "make".)

    EDIT ...I think that when something paranormal happens to Christians...they say it's the Holy Spirit or Jesus or the devil. I don't know if it's ok for spirits to visit Christians...but seems like that happens. It's really confusing and complicated...since the devil comes as an "angel of light"...How could anyone know???

  12. Of curse, were not excluded im catholic and im psychic

  13. I am Catholic, and I believe in the biggest ghost of all -

    The Holy Spirit !

  14. Are you kidding, Christianity is based on the paranormal, just read the good book.

    All types of visions,strange star in the sky, parting seas,risings from the dead,angels,plagues,the devil,super natural healing,super natural births,heaven,h**l, it all comes under the paranormal!

  15. Well Jesus Christ supposedly returned from the dead (that is far from normal). The story goes that he also assured his apostles that he was not a ghost by letting them touch his wounds. So he at least knew the Apostles (maybe they were just terrible Christians) believed in ghosts.

    The Bible has many stories from the plagues of Egypt to healing the blind that defied the science of their time (and some still defies ours)

    So, yes it would seem that the sacred text requires the belief in such experiences.

  16. Yup. It's not a religious thing. I'm Catholic, and I'm a spiritual medium.

  17. I think all people can experience the paranormal, but does it coincide with Christian beliefs.  I don't think that it does.  Christians believe one of two things.  Either the soul goes straight to heaven or h**l, or that the soul is essentially held until the coming again.  On the second it has been explained that what may take a million years will feel like a second to the soul because its in a holding pattern and nothing happens with the soul.  

    Now socially we hear of people talking about the paranormal and even people who say they are Christian, so I don't know how the people relate it back to their faith and make it jive.

  18. Didn't followers of Christ "see" him rise from the dead?

  19. im a baptist and i know that in my religion paranormal things aren't real. its..just..i dont even know how to explain it. paranormal things dont happen. they are all explainable and you can de-bunk almost every single one and the ones you cant...there must be an explanation that you over-stepped. thats what baptists believe....but although im a baptist..i believe in the paranormal..they say that its because i allow demons in because i believe in them.....supposedly if you dont believe the demons cant enter your mind.

    whatever. haha its all confusing to me.

  20. Of course. All religions have highly suggestive, gullible and just plain stupid people in their congregations.

  21. I think so, yes.

    I think it helps if there is a lot of incense burning, :)

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