
Can cigarrete smoking cause white painful tongue?

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i've been experiencing little pain on my tounge lately&my tongue looks pale almost white.Is it from smoking?been tested negative for hiv last year&doesnt have diabetes either.Am 29yrs old by the way.Thanks.




  1. i could be from the nicotine and bacteria if you don't brush your tongue. Make sure that when you go to a dental office you get an oral cancer test just to be safe.  

  2. I get white bumps on my tongue whenever I chew big red gum. U need to clean your tongue better.  

  3. ew haha a white toungue on comes because you don't brush your toungue.. i suggest a mean brush 2wice a day !

  4. try tongue scraper, probably your tongue is irritated by the chemicals and heat from the cigarette and probably there's infection, if it cannot be scraped. then,, you should go to a dentist and ask for biopsy or lab test to see what's in your tongue (maybe tumor or premalignant condition)

    for me, it's probably a leokoplakia (if it cant be scraped out) it's caused by smoking

    check this out :

    well to stop that white lesion, you should stop smoking

  5. Yes, this can be caused by smoking...or it could be a list of other things.

    It could be a lack of nutrients, an infection...and the list goes on....

    The only way to be absolutely sure, is to go to a dentist.

    Buy a tongue scraper at your local pharmacy, or buy one of the new Crest toothbrushes with a tongue scraper.  They are awsome!  They help with bad breath and because of the cool new massaging bristle's, help fight gingivitis (gum inflamation).

    Try this first, if this does't help within a week or 2... call the dentist!  It's better to be safe than sorry!  :)

    Most likely it's nothing to worry about, but just to be safe, a dentists' opinion can put your mind at ease.

    If you have a dentist and insurance, your all set!  :)

    If you are like most of us these days, without insurance....visit       www. carecredit. com

    They will match you with a dentist in your area who works with this company.

    Care Credit pays the dentist in full for services rendered and you can schedule a payment plan with care credit with no interest rate.  :)  

  6. Hi,

    First of all, do not panic.

    However, you will have to look out for some points :


    a) If the lesion is along the lateral border (either side) of the tongue, then you should take it a little bit more seriously.

    b)  If it is on the dorsum (top surface) of the tongue, then most likely it is not a major problem. You just need to improve your oral hygiene (including scraping the tongue) as described by everybody. However, that is not a guarantee.

    2. WHAT TO DO (Regardless of the location) ? :

    a) Try to see if you can rub the patches off.

    b) If it gets off that will be a good news. Regular cleaning will help.

    c) If it is a stubborn lesion and does not get rubbed off, you have may something to WORRY about.

    d) Also, pain is NOT a good sign.

    e) Go to your dentist and get it checked out IMMEDIATELY.

    f) You may have to get it BIOPSIED to rule out cancer.

    g) Unfortunately, your risks are higher since you smoke.

    h) Each individual has varying response to the same insult. Just because somebody did not experience any problem with smoking for years DOES NOT mean you will not have problems.

    i) This something that has to be addressed as quickly as possible. God forbid, if it is a premalignant condition like Leukoplakia, the longer you wait, the greater will be the risk of malignant transformation.


    k) You DO NOT want to take a chance. It is better to act fast and find out that it is nothing to worry about :)

    Good luck !!

    You can look at the following web site :

    .....and "wEnNy" is right, you need to quit smoking. Your health comes first.

  7. I've been smoking for several years and that has never happened to me. Brush you toungue and that will probably go away, otherwise it sounds as though you could be getting a cold.

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