
Can clouds be formed from pollution?

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I said that pollution can make clouds which causes mare rain is this right?




  1. That's what clouds condense on. Water vapor rises from the ocean and needs something to condense on. So it condenses on pollution. This is why rain has a pH of around a 5 in the U.S.. So all rain is acid rain. This doesn't mean that before humans there weren't any clouds. They still condense on natural forms of pollution such as volcanic ash and smoke from wild fires.

  2. yes, clouds can be formed from pollution. I bet you heard of the acid rains that destroy the plants nearby industrial facilities like shampoo factories and so on. These kinds of clouds contain toxic gases that in contact with water form acid or basic solutions which then condense and fall in form of toxic rains.


    Eddie B

  3. Vapor can attach itself to hygroscopic nucleii that is suspended in the air and it doesn't make what kind of vapor it is really.

  4. A good example is vapour trails from aircraft...

    It's not pollution exactly but what happens is the burning of the hydrocarbons in the fuel produces water and smoke particles (This is because gas turbine engines aren't 100% efficient, if they were they'd only produce water and CO2, plus the efflux would be cold thus negating it's propulsion properties!) The water vapour from the hot engine condenses on smoke particles to form the vapour trail.

    Over a few hours you can see these vapour trails slowly turn into cirrus clouds. It's not pollution as such but they didn't get there naturally.

    This type of cloud is around 30,000 feet agl and is so small in comparison to the normal rain-bearing cumulous or cumulo-nimbus that their contribution to rain is not actually measureable.

  5. kind of.

  6. As pollution accurs like smoke coming out of a nuclear plant, it Gos into the air, it forms as a liquid and then combines with the clouds.

    When it rain it comes down with the rain, and that why like statues and other structures erode.

    It may not neccesarily cause more rain, depends how much is in the cloud =]

  7. In a way, but they wouldnt be a rain cloud, they would seem to be like a large maybe discolored cloud. A rain cloud is formed only from water on the ground (puddles, lakes, oceans...). Although polution in the air can cause acid rain. That can kill plants and other wildlife. It would be very devastating for a nieghborhood or area to be hit with acid rain.

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