
Can cockateils get killer diseases?

by  |  earlier

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i got a cockteil for christmas and i wanted to know if they have any life threatening diseases that i should be aware of because we got him a new gigantic cage and i think he went crazy! first he drew blood from me! now he is anti-social and hisses as if he doesnt love me any more! so im worried it is a cycotic disease! HELP!!!!!!




  1. Yes, here

  2. Give it some time it is just scared of it's new house it was used to its old house and it suddenly dissapeared so hes scared.

  3. It doesn't sound like a disease but just in case you should take it to the vet.

    I hope I helped!

  4. If you just recently got the cage and he was tame before, he's mad at you.  You changed the home he had so settled down in. Pet birds can be like that.  They get settled and don't like change.  Just sit by the cage and talk to him a lot, tell him how pretty he is and how much you love him.  After a few days of this start offering a piece of spray millet or a piece of fruit he likes best from your hand.  If he was tame before and was/is not ill, you should be able to get you baby back.  Good luck

  5. If he was young at Christmas, then he is at the age where he is sexually maturing.  Animal personalities change when they become adults.  Sometimes it's minor, sometimes a lot worse.

    No, it's not likely he has a psychotic disease, and you probably won't catch anything from his bite.

    He won't get any friendlier by himself.  Work with him more.

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