
Can coffee make me tired??

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Some mornings before I drink coffee I feel awake and not tired at all, but I drink coffee anyway and it makes me tired... does anyone know why coffee might make me tired?




  1. One thing about it that can be making you tired is caffeine. I know, I know it is a stimulant. But since it takes more water to process caffeine than the coffee provides it takes more water from our system to do this. This basically means that caffeine dehydrates us and when we are dehydrated we become tired. Next time off set the caffeine with a glass of water and see if that makes a difference.

    Another thing is temperature. When we drink something hot our body wants to shut down to let it cool down to our body temp. This can be making you tired.  It is similar to when we drink something cold. Our bodies go into heat up mode to warm the liquid to body temp. This is actually a bad thing to do during hot/dry days or if you have been very active.

  2. That has an effect on some people, as you are subjecting your body to sudden temerature change.

    The best thing is to avoid coffee all together, sounds like you really don't need it anyway.

    Juice from an orange if you need a pick-me-up can have the same effect as coffee and is better for you. A 10 or 20 minute nap (perhaps on lunch break) can really help.

  3. generally its the other way when u take coffee

  4. i have no idea if it will make you sleepy but it keeps me awake

  5. Yes it could if you over do it and it makes you feel sick to

  6. it shouldnt make you tierd, try not having coffee for a few days, it will be better for your health and you will find out if the coffee is the thing makin you tierd


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