
Can collection agencies contact you at your place of employment?

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I've got a credit card company calling me at my place of work every day. Today they called 3 times. I can't believe this is legal. It seems like clear cut harrassment to me. I have even been working with them from home and I thought things were alright but that's besides the point. Does anyone know if there's any laws forbidding collection agencies from calling me at my day job? If so, can you give any references for your answers. Any information helps. THANKS




  1. I believe this is illegal. Look up "Fair Debt Collection Practices Act".

    This is the law that covers when and how debt collectors may collect debts.

  2. Tell them to stop calling you at work as your employer does not permit personal calls.  They have to stop.

    They can continue to call you at home but can only call once a day if they actually speak to you.  If you don't take the call, they can leave multiple messages.

    You may want to sent them a letter telling them to stop calling you at work.  And ask that everything be in writing.  Most collectors will comply with the written communication only.

    Is this a collection agency or the original creditor?  If this is a collection agency, you may want to negotiate a settlement for less than the full balance.  Get any settlement agreement in writing and don't give the collector direct access to your bank account.

  3. They can, unless your employer prohibits it (most do).  If a debt collector contacts you at your work, IMMEDIATELY tell them not to.  I would read up on the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act which governs debt collectors.  Your state might have a consumer protection law that governs the collection of consumer debt.

  4. Yes they can call your job but  i dont think they can keep calling maybe someone on here will know just hang on.

  5. No they cannot call you at work, its illegal

  6. I am having the same problem. You have to write them a letter stating that you are only to be contacted at home or by correspondence not at work.

  7. In most states, there is a law called Invasion of Privacy which means a mans debt has nothing to do with his job. Just send a cease and desist letter that you only want to be contacted by mail. Send 1 certified 1 regular and make a copy.

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