
Can combination of corn,grind ed yam peel and grind ed cassava male a good fortified feed for animal?

by Guest44833  |  earlier

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In a place where one can not easily go to shop and buy animal feed or supplement,it's either it's very expensive or unavailable,one will have to improvice.




  1. You may want to check cassava, it is toxic to people, I don't know about animals but I will look and update. I can help you set up a way to get a huge amount of the best feed possible though if you request it. I was privy to some great info that will increase milk fat content in dairy cows for a little labor on your part. It is not something I would like to broadcast though without just a little bit of info sharing if you decide to use it as I wish to research it further. Email me.

    Update, below are two links. There may be some toxins associated with the root as there are a good amount of cyanide chemicals in it. If cooked though, it is a good starch energy material that when combined with the tops, esp. when young make a reasonable feed missing just one amino acid (see link) which could be made up with boiled corn.

  2. It would make an excellent feed for most livestock.  It would be fairly high in starch content due to the cassava and yam peel and you will need some source for protein supplement.  Do you have ground nut cake available where you live?  That's the cake left over after they extract the oil for sale.  I lived in Nigeria for 11 years and ran into similar problems to what you are having getting good animal feed for my chickens and pigs.  I grew my corn but needed a protein supplement.  I found the ground nut cake, it was reasonably priced and an excellent source of protein.  It worked out well for me. A little bit goes a long way.  Good Luck.

  3. What animal?  It might be great for some, deadly for others.

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