
Can come one help me with these questions please!!! :]?

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1. What is psychological dependence

A. The body can function normally, but the brain craves the drug

B. The body cannot function normally

C. The body and brain cannot function normally

2. Refusing to submit to a sobriety test is your right by law

A. True

B. False

3. When attempting to pass another car safely, you should always exceed the posted speed limit.

A. True

B. False

4. White lines are always solid, never broken.

A. True

B. False

5. Which is a false statement: Your driving record

A. Can be checked by your insurance company

B. Cannot be accessed by anyone except the an official public agency

C. Keeps track of all your tickets and crashes

6. If you are under the age of 18 and accumulate six points on your license within twelve months:

A. You will lose all driving privileges until you turn 21

B. You will lose your driving privileges for one year, but you could ask for an administrative hearing to get permission to drive on a restrictive basis.

C. You will lose your driving privileges for one year, no exceptions.

7. The best safety feature for preventing whiplash is the airbag.

A. True

B. False

8. Your license can be canceled if you:

A. Accumulate 12 or more points on your license

B. Give incorrect information when applying for your license

C. You reach age 75

9. You may pass another car in a No Passing zone as long as you can complete the maneuver quickly and safely

A. True

B. False

10. Depressants are very similar to the effects of alcohol

A. True

B. False

11. The best tool to extinguish a small gasoline or diesel fire is a portable fire extinguisher.

A. True

B. False

12. A Hospital sign is an example of a _____ sign.

A. Regulatory

B. Warning

C. Guide

13. Your level of intoxication will be a lot higher if you have a bottle of beer rather than a glass of wine

A. True

B. False

14. Alcohol is considered a

A. Poisonous drug

B. Recreational drug

C. Recreational beverage

15. Getting cited for reckless driving will result in four points on your license

A. True

B. False

16. One drink means

A. shot of 80 proof alcohol

B. one beer

C. Either of the above

17. Having less than one drink can impair your driving.

A. True

B. False

18. Prescription drugs

A. Are always okay to take when driving as long as they are prescribed by a doctor.

B. May never be taken when driving.

C. May be illegal to take when driving.

19. Traffic collisions are the number one killer of children in America.

A. True

B. False

20. The American Medical Association says that you become an unsafe driver at BAC levels of ______

A. 0.03

B. 0.08

C. 0.10

21. At 60 mph the force of your car impacting a surface is about four times as great as 30 mph.

A. True

B. False

22. The OOPS FACTOR is

A. When you drop something

B. How casual drug use leads to addiction

C. When you are addicted to drugs

23. On a city street you should be looking ahead of you as far ahead as the car in front of you.

A. True

B. False

24. A blue sign might designate:

A. A hospital

B. A pedestrian crossing

C. Both A and B

25. Shape is indicative of the sign type

A. True

B. False

26. A diamond lane on the freeway

A. Can be used if you are transporting pets or cages

B. Indicates a High Occupancy Vehicle Lane

C. Is used only for emergency vehicles

27. "Welcome to Yellowstone Park" is an example of a:

A. Regulatory

B. Warning

C. Guide

28. A disadvantage of driving a motorcycle is

A. you cannot stop as quickly as a car

B. you have less protection in a collision

C. All of the options

29. Many people view drug and alcohol abuse as a social problem

A. True

B. False

30. Alcohol is a good source of nutrition

A. True

B. False

31. An aggressive driver is a person who drives:

A. A racecar

B. With a lack of courtesy

C. Slow in the fast lane

32. The following signs will help you to spot a impaired driver

A. Driving too slow and weaving

B. Driving with the windows down on a cold night

C. All of the above

33. Leaving the scene of a collision causing more than $50 in damage will result in:

A. Lower insurance premiums

B. Two points assessed against your record.

C. Six points assessed against your record.

34. Ethanol is a depressant

A. True

B. False

35. Pedestrians

A. Always legally have the right-of-way.

B. Never have the right-of-way.

C. Are hard to see

36. Alcohol or drugs not only impair your driving they

A. Impair your thinking and reasoning

B. Impair your judgment

C. All of the above

37. If you do something very dangerous and your license is taken away for a very long period of time or even permanently, your license has been:

A. Canceled

B. Suspended

C. Revoked

38. In a crash test using dummies without seat belts, at 25 MPH, the dummy had half its head taken off by the rear view mirror

A. True

B. False

39. If you accumulate too many points on your license, it will be:

A. Canceled

B. Suspended

C. Revoked

40. 54% of teenage motor vehicle crashes occur on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.






  1. Look them up in your driver's education book, I'm sure they are in there.  That way you will learn them for your written test.  Good luck having your driver's license will be worth it.

  2. Why do you want people to take your entire driving test for you?  Just study.  The answers are in the booklet,  and most of them are common sense.

  3. don't ask for much do you!

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