
Can congress ban satire to prevent our leaders from being ridiculed?

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after this presidential term could we please institute a ban on making fun of the president...our Leader does not really think it's very condusive to moving our country wouldn't really be banning free speech as it would be benifiting the nation as a whole..please join me in a world free of satire and hate speech on the airwaves with the return of the fairness doctrine..could we also pass laws to keep people from claiming that climate change is a hoax as they are causing many problems too...again, this is not a free speech matter as much as a saftey concern to the planet..i will have more questions for everyone after i finish reading karl marx's "communist manifesto"...Obama08!! peace out..




  1. You must be afraid that Obama is going to be the next president. Under Communist rule there will be a ban on all free speech. You will get your wish.

    Get rid of Al Gore and there will not be any more global warming.

  2. You may just want to move to Cuba where you will be much happier.

  3. take away freedom of speech?

    thats already happening

    then comes the fema camps

  4. Only satire against the messiah

  5. The right to dissent is explicitly written into our Bill of Rights. If some people choose to dissent by satire, so be it.

    No matter how poor in taste it is.

    For instance, did you know that San Francisco is voting on whether to rename their sewage plant the "George W. Bush Sewage Plant"?

    That is in exceptionally poor taste, but the people are voting on it, and if they want to be tacky, let them be tacky.

    The "Fairness Doctrine" is an attack on free speech. Liberals and Conservatives alike are free to make radio programs in this country, and if one  is entertaining enough, it gets put on the air, plain and simple.

    Instead of whining, why not work towards starting a talk show of your own? Podcasting is a great way to get started!

  6. Imagine the last 8 years if we couldn't make fun of Bush.  What would anybody say after he spoke?  The room would be dead silent if we couldn't ridicule the Pres .

    Free speech, free press although you may not like/agree with what is being said, it's sorta' that whole backbone of democracy.

    ...maybe because it's a lame attempt at satire???  I'm guessing you didn't know the meaning of the word "satire" two weeks ago.

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