
Can contact lenses permanently damage eyes or cause permanent redness?

by  |  earlier

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I have been afraid to wear contacts, because i don't want to have permanent red eyes or damage. I hate wearing glasses too, so normally I just go without, which is sort of blurry.




  1. your eyes stop being red usually within  a few days of getting contacts.

    the only dangers from contacts is if one gets cracked ( very unlikely)    or if you don't clean them often enough.


    some glasses are very fashionable

  2. Contacts don't actually cause permanent red eyes or damage.  The problem arises when you don't take your contacts out and allow your eyes to rest, or when you sleep in them all the time and never take them out.  If you don't take your contacts out at night, you form callouses over your eye and the veins in your eye may 'come to the surface.'

    My brother and sister NEVER take their contacts out!  They both have callouses and my brother's veins are being pulled to the surface, so it looks like he has the pink eye sometimes.  

    If you take care of your eyes, keep your contacts cleaned, wear your glasses at night and allow your eyes to rest, you shouldn't have a problem.  I've worn contacts (soft) for 15 years now, and I've never had a problem.  In fact, the degree of my near sightedness stopped increasing so rapidly and I've worn the same prescription for 10 years now.  I've worn glasses for 26 years, and until I started wearing contacts, every year, my eyes were increasingly worse.  In fact, my glasses were so thick, that I had to wear those awful plastic frames all through school!!!!  (How embarrassing!)  After wearing contacts, my eyes haven't changed.  I go for a checkup once a year and keep my script filled...and LOVE the eyes I have!

    Give them a try!  I promise, you'll love them!  Also, keep rewetting drops with you at all times.  Take a traveling contact lens case and solution with you, as well as your glasses, in cases of 'emergency,' and love the new world you view through them!'ll love them!  You'll be surprised at your field of vision and the things you've missed with glasses!

    God bless you, Sweet!

  3. no, contacts are safe. By not wearing your glasses you at a higher risk for damage, you may get headaches and your vision may get worse.

  4. of course if you dont follow your doctor's directions... you are at risk of damage.. but i have contacts and havent had a problem yet. your doctor will do a very good job of making sure you know how to put them in and that you are putting them in correctly.and you cant have permanently red eyes.

    just saying(:

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