
Can cops or military personnel carry..

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Can cops or military personnel carry their firearms with them when boarding a public airplane?




  1. yes as long as they have the weapons are unloaded

  2. Per TSA regulations, unless you are on the aircraft on-duty for official business (extradition, investigation or the like) you cannot carry.  In fact you need a  signed letter, on department letterhead, describing how and why you are carrying. They still may say no. Personal travel is not a good reason even if your flying inside your state.

    Soon after 9/11 the then California Gov Wilson asked the FAA if CHP officers and other state LEO could carry on flights within California as a study showed there were about five LEO inflight in California at any one day.  He was shot down (pun intended) by the FAA because that want a good reason.

    One point, a LEO was aboard "Flight 93" and could not carry on board, hummm 9/11 might have turned out another way had he could have.

    On board they ask you not do any enforcement act until the crew calls you in unless life is on the line. They are concerned about crossfire with a FAM or FDO.

    OH BY THE WAY.....

    Firing a weapon and puncturing the skin of the aircraft will not cause explosive decompression, they even showed that Mythbuster episode!

  3. That is determined by the airline. The FCC allows it, but airline policy, and the pilot, have the final decision.

    I've had an easy time withe some airlines, but one required a letter from the department stating I was on official business. Because I was on vacation, they declined.

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