
Can cops tell you to shut up and call you lair?

by  |  earlier

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today me and my 4 friends went to the skate park and we waited for two of them to go to the shop rite by it so we could ditch them then we started running and a cop stopped me and my friend and then he told us to shut up and get in the car so we did then he got my other friends and asked us who broke the window because when we started running someone broke a window so we said we didn't do it and he told us thats bull **** then we got to the store and i told him agian that we didn't do it then he called me a liar




  1. Yes. They can.

  2. Yes he has that right.  He's not going to get anywhere by playing Mr. Nice Guy.  If you're innocent then you have nothing to worry about but if he digs in your brain it may cause a liar to confess.  If you can't keep your cool then you have something to hide.

  3. They can... you should have invoked the 5th Amendment.  

  4. Your story is hard to follow with no punctuation, but if I understand you correctly, you were lying.  If that's the case I don't think you have any grounds to complain.

  5. Wow, that just proves that police are over doing there power.

  6. no they can't...

    that cops a real pig!

    and those a$$holes wonder why no one respects them....

    i have more respect for a dead deer on the road then a f-ing cop...

    i know first hand that cops are the biggest liars ever!

    me and my friend were driving on some back roads when a cop stopped us and told us we were on posted land!

    (there was not one sign posted anywhere i looked on the way in and out...)

    and he called my friends mom telling her we were trespassing on posted land  (lie #1)

    (there were no signs)

    that we were jumping hills (lie #2)

    (there were no hills)

    that we had damaged the car (lie #3)

    (car was fine)

    that we were resisting and mouthing off (lie #4)

    (we didn't say anything to him other than what he asked us)

    i have zero respect for cops....

  7. Yes because anything you say can be held against you in a court of law.

  8. of course they can

    sounds like good police work

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