
Can crickets climb glass?

by  |  earlier

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i have a 55 gallon tank that i am going to use for my leopard gecko and i want to kno if i should buy freeze dried crickets or lie ones.. and plus my tank has a opening in tha back too cause it use to be a fish tank




  1. As a rule crickets cannot regularly climb glass.  They can jump high though.  Keep in mind though that a used tank may offer a film on your tanks glass that you and I cannot see that will allow a cricket to climb it.   I have seen many times a cricket clinging to the side of a glass tank.  Their grip is not the best, but it is possible, but not likely.  I breed my own crickets in 16 gallon Rubbermaid tubs and they do not climb out, and I do not cover them.

  2. Feed them live,and sometimes put calcium on them,some people refer it to "dusting" your crickets,and no they dont climb up glass,but some of those bad boys jump up

  3. Nope their not spiders but they can jump so keep your lid on tight OK

    P.S.-im scared of spiders lol

    when one of my crickets escapes and i see it i freak out i think its a spider

    But no they don't climb glass

  4. No,they can`t climb glass

  5. i have marbled geckos and i always see the crikets on the roof of the tank. so i think they r able to

  6. Crickets cannot climb glass. They may try to but then they fall. But make sure if you have a tub container etc. for your crickets make it high because you would be suprised how high those little guys can jump! :) Good luck!

  7. No they can't climb.  I keep my crickets in a rubbermaid storage container without a lid.  Geckos need LIVE prey, not the canned kind.

  8. crickets can not climb glass because they don't have any sticky substances on the tips of their feet like spiders. Feed live crickets to your lizard, they are healthier and give your lizard exercise while chasing the crickets.

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