
Can dancing cause problems?

by Guest32505  |  earlier

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i recently started Street and Break dancing, and George Sampson (Britains got talent winner) does Break, and he has a bad back and has been warned not to dance..

He has a rare condition, is this caused by the dance?

I really enjoy dancing, but could it cause me harm? obviously i do it correctly and take things step-by-step..





  1. I dont think it can cause you harm. George Swampson probably took it too hard or got his condition involving something else. Just keep working at it and be careful. ;) ♥

  2. well just like every thing.......yes. I have had several injuries from dancing...mostly my knees...but if you are safe and warm up you should be long as you don't do anything stupid you won't  severely hurt yourself.

  3. you could sprain an ankle, pull a muscle, possibly break a bone, but they will heal in time, though time catches up to you later in life,  so stay fit and healthy, have fun dancing, ☺


  4. i was a 'dancer' for 13 years & my back 'kills' me at times

    also bruise easily & have arthritis in my joints

    IM ONLY 34

  5. I dont belive dance can cause harm to your body. I believe that dance is a form of exercise that actually helps your body...

  6. a bad back is caused by usually picking up heavy items incorrectly have you heard pull with your legs not your back because your back has alot smaller muscles than your legs but you should be fine just as long as you do your stretches and keep up with ( working out your back muscles will help alot)

  7. yes.

    you can look like a tw@.

  8. dance is like any sport of course it can cause problems, especially if you are not using correct technique.  but even if you use perfect techinique you can become injured and excessive use of any part of you can cause long term damage.  i was a ballet dancer and i have a bad knee from an injury and arthritis in my hips just from years of use.

    but that shouldnt stop you.  you can get injured triping over a crack on the pavement.  if people didnt do stuff just incase they get hurt no one would do anything.  

    dance is great for the soul, as bob marley once said, forget your troubles and dance.


  9. It isn't necessarily the actual dancing that causes the problems, it's doing things wrong that will. I was a dancer for 15 years and I have "impressive" (my doctor's word for it, not mine) arthritis in my low back (I feel for the other lady on here who has similar problems... I'm only 25 now).  It turns out that I was improperly trained which led to my problems.  As for George's condition, there's really no way to know if it was caused by dance, but if they consider it "rare" I'd be more than willing to bet that it wasn't caused by dance.  Dancing could make it worse, however.

    I would venture to say that you're probably safe in continuing your dancing, just be aware of any warning signs your body may send you, eat right, get plenty of rest, and don't push yourself too hard.  Best of luck with it!

  10. George's condition is hereditary (caused by genes). It's nothing to do with his dancing. However, landing on his back like that could make it a whole lot worse.

    It's nothing to worry about, as long as you've been checked over by a doctor and you're getting proper tuition, and warming up to avoid injury.

    Good luck with the dancing! (maybe we'll see you on BGT next year?!)

  11. Dancing is like taking aerobic class, now when you take it to a high ex trim joint movement you can have problem so be careful, but on the other hand is safe to dance.

    dance your head off ha,ha,ha,ha


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