
Can dead loved ones come to us in dreams?

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My dad died from cancer last July. Since October I dream about him all the time. Usually at least once a week. The dreams aren't ever bad, and I don't feel like he is trying to tell me something. But last night the dream went like this:

He had come back (from the dead). I couldn't figure out how he got his body back, we cremated him. I was so happy to see to him! I told him he needed a hair cut! then we talked about events surrounding his will.. he was angry that his wishes weren't followed. He loved his dog, and my brother was supposed to take him and give him a good life... (in reality, my brother gave the dog away after dad died).

In the dream, dad and I were waiting for the people who had the dog to return him..

What could this dream mean... is he trying to tell me something? He has been visiting me for months now, last time he gave me a gift, wrapped in x-mas paper. It was a used frying pan, still dirty! haha

I just spread his ashes in NZ. he would have loved it there!




  1. Hi I'm very sorry to hear of your loss. I'm no expert but if I were you I'd try not dwell on these dreams by trying to find any hidden meanings, but try to take comfort from them as to me they say that you and your dad were close and shared a relationship full of laughter. And maybe talk to your brother about the dog and how you felt about it being given away. I hope you find some peace, good luck.

  2. A man best mate is his dog, and it is a dirty deed that your brother didn't keep the dog. Leaves a hole when you lose someone precious, pity you can't keep the dog, the too would be suffering...

  3. I believe that our deceased loved ones do come back in dreams to communicate witn us. usually there is a message of some importance. Keep a pen and notepad by your  bed

    to write occurences as soon as you awaken, you do not want to miss something important. My father came to me in a dream, I was marrying someone, my dad said don't do it.

    I married him, it was awful, we are divorced now.

  4. First of all i am sorry about your father.My father died in sept 06 from cancer.It is a tough road but we can make it through this.I do believe the deceased can come back but only in dreams.As long as they come back thats all that matters.We are both going through the same thing and if it would make you feel better to talk then feel free

  5. no idea !!

  6. first I want to sorry for your loss and I sure your dad is in a better place.

    but their is one thing I want to inform you of : If you are a believer in GOD, GOD is not the father of the dead, but of the living, therefore a spirit may be visting you, but it is not your dad, you can pay attention to the dream it may have some important message, or you can call on the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ if you are a believer,     but it is not your dad look for colors and specifics on dream moods .com

  7. Yes. 100% & no doubt in it. He was trying to tell to return the dog. Even it was his loved one.

  8. sounds like you are trying to work things out in your dreams concerning your dad, his wishes, and your brother and the dog.  maybe you have been feeling if you should have taken the dog...........or it may have been the final, living piece of your dad and you wish your brother would have kept the dog so that you could see and be with the dog????

  9. Hey,

    I am very very sorry... but I don't think they CAN come to us in dreams. As much as I want to agree with you and say Yes, it's not true.

    From a biblical point of view: When you die, you are dead. That's it. You just end up as dust. Ghosts, and other impressions of the dead are apparently all imitations by the evil (Satan and his angels).

    From a "Scientific" point of view, dreams ARE not understood very well, but it is thought that dreaming is a way for our brain to sort out information. Sometimes this information is put into 'random' order - often causing weird dreams. Sometimes if you think a lot about someone, or miss them - you can dream a lot about them... for example: being a teenager, and having a crush on someone - you can end up having a lot of dreams about the person you are obsessing over.

    On the other hand, it has been investiaged that eating at certain times BEFORE going to bed also influence dreams AND/OR nightmares... (I know this as a fact, try drinking apple juice before bed... and you're in for some weird dreams all night)...

    Anyway, I don't mean to get your hopes all down - if thats what you've wanted - I mean, to Each their own ya know... and I wish you well in the future...


  10. I have had lots of dreams with dead friends visiting, although, I do not think it is actually them. I think it is my head visiting the memory of my friend or loved one and playing with it. Maybe doing something with that person I would have like to do with them, like go to the coffee shop and hang out for a while, or go out to eat, or watch some weird movies. All the dead people dreams are mostly uneventful, it's just us doing whatever we did while they were alive. I like it.

  11. Most definitely!

  12. your dream shows me that you loved him very much and he left the Earth too soon and that you miss him.  You are experiencing NORMAL feelings.

  13. Yes, departed loved ones often do communicate with us through dreams.  During sleep the conscious mind steps out of the way and allows loved ones more easily to communicate.  It is by unconscious rest that they are finally able to reach us.

    They may try to communicate throughout the day but you are unaware of just how. Look for little signs of him during the day..a penny, a bird, a scent, a sound even a touch or instant thought of him. You'll know when it's him.

    Having dreams of loved ones is wonderful and lends a sense of peace to many who have been given this gift of spirit. They still love us and want us to know it.

    Your frying pan gift could be symbolic of him wanting you to "clean something up" then to "make something with it". Perhaps tying up something he left undone - a physical gift to you to finish? Or it could be a private joke. They still keep their sense of humor.

  14. Don't be sorry,be happy,simply because you are honoring

    your Father,and it is perfectly normal you have these kind

    of dreams,it seems to me that you both where very close

    as a family and even some people will try to suggest that it is not possible ,at the end you are the only one who will really

    know deep in your heart or mind,how possible the soul of your

    Father can be communicating with you!and frankly it is possible

    for dead ones to communicate with loved ones,after all some people would say when you die it is the end,no more ,you cease,period!but it is just a change of the matter!

  15. Hey, I think it's possible that the dead communicate to us through dreams. Unfortunately, it's also possible that it's our own consciousness or subconsciousness that's communicating to us. Who knows. I'm sure you thought some about your brother giving away your dad's dog, so maybe this is bubbling up for you now. As for the frying, I hope he wasn't trying to tell you he's now in the fire! Or maybe he's telling you to go for that promotion--you know that song, I can bring home the bacon (da da da dum) fry it up in a pan (da da da dum) cause I'm a WOMAN... ;)  Seriously, though, lately I've had dreams in which an old, old ex-boyfriend comes to talk to me, and he actually acts nice, which would be kind of unusual for him, and I've kind of thought in the back of my head, "I wonder if Richard just died."

  16. I can't tell you what your dream means, I think that only you will know that, since its your father.

    When my dad died.. the same thing started happening.

    I know believe that its just a way for me and him to "hang out"

    in my dreams I can see him again, I can hear  him again.

    I can type to you forever about this, there is so much more I could tell you from my own personal experiences with this

    If you'd like to email me, feel free.

    I'm not some freak..

    I'm just someone who thinks loved ones come to you in dreams....... its just my opinion.

  17. The current scientific understanding for our 'sense of the dead' parallels the way we think about the living. That is, we have a mental construct we use to answer questions like, "What would she think about this?" for the living. We have a sort of model of them in our heads.

    After a person dies, this model is retained, in the same way it would be if a living person was away on an extended trip. Our mind treats the living and the dead in the same fashion.

    So, with that in mind (pardon the pun) you can see how our internal model of a person might come out in our dreams, when our editing function is more relaxed and things just play out in our minds.

    The problem with looking for meaning here is that your waking mind is looking for meaning in something your sleeping mind constructed. It's hard to accept that our sleeping mind is somehow more informed about the world. For instance, many dreams contain plot lines that violate the laws of physics, we may fly or walk through walls....

    I like this basic idea, that we are talking to a mental model, just as we do for the living. I cannot say that I have seen any real research to support the idea though.

  18. Well, I'm sorry about your lost, yes, whenever you dream about a loved one their just visiting you, when I dreamed about my mom she didn't speak so I guess when they get up there they can't speak, she just smiled.

  19. i think so my aunt died b/c of a drunk driver and my mother was really depressed she was really in a horrible state she said that she came up to her and that my aunt told her not to cry b/c she was inn a much better place . also my mom cant explain how she smelled the scent of her perfum when she woke up so i think anything is possible

  20. wat we love and think are reflected in dream.

    they r nothing but wat we look for or r afraid of.

    many a times, they r just harmless dreams.

  21. May be,they can come to us in dreams

  22. Dreams are a mere interpretation of the ideas and thoughts going through our head.  The brain takes these thoughts and jumbles them together like a puzzle and the dream is perceived in REM sleep.  Although i wish i could say that your dad is comming to you in your dreams, it is probably that you are thinking about it a lot and you brain then creates a dream aroun it.  In terms of the dog, you probably believe that you dad would be angry about it and therefore have a dream that parallels that.

  23. People cannot visit us in dreams or any other way after they have died. They cannot return.

    Dreaming about them is like dreaming about anything is the thoughts that flitter through our minds as we sleep.

    I understand, though. I dream a lot about my mother and my grandmother, and my granddad. I miss them so much.

    Even though I know they are not really visiting me in my dreams, I pretend like they are. So I know how  you feel.

  24. I watched my husband drown in a rip tide with an 8 month old son in my arms.  I was in a fog for days--went from 108lbs to 79lbs, he came in a dream and said all was good and he was fine.  I started to come back from the abyss.  Maybe my mind created this as a form of survival--who knows--not I ?

  25. simply remarkable, i think it is real and your dad is not dead, his spirit lives on and is communicating with you somehow.

    U need to get the dog back and let it l**k your dirty fryin pan clean (bacon grease)

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