
Can deaf people get jobs?

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Can deaf people get jobs?




  1. Of course they can.

  2. why are you asking this?  of course deaf people can get jobs...blind people can get jobs...unintelligent people can get jobs...everyone can get some sort of job!!

  3. yes

  4. Certainly!  Why would someone who is deaf not be able to get a job?  ADA requires employers to make some modifications to allow someone with a disability to successfully do a job.

    Why are you defining someone by their disability by calling them "deaf people"?  They are people first and being deaf is only a part of who they are.  Ludwig van Beethoven, Gabriel Fauré and Bedrich Smetana are all great composers who were also deaf - they are remembered for their musical contributions, not because they were deaf.

    NAD is a wonderful resource and you can find them at

  5. Of course!  Beethoven, for example.

  6. of course my brother and his wife are deaf and they both have jobs

  7. Anyone talented on earth can.

    Google it

  8. Yes, if one has the requisite talent , one can always get a job , even if he/she is deaf.This class of people fall under the category of physically handicapped/disadvantaged/impaired.

    Try , it's very much possible .

  9. Why do you ask that.

  10. definitely

  11. yes i work with someone who is deaf

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