
Can deceased relatives see anything you are doing should they think of you?

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for example if a soul suddenly has a wish to see his nephew Tim, and Tim at that particular time is robbing a bank or snorting angel dust, will his deceased uncle see that, before thinking well perhaps I'll try again in an hour, or will he instinctively know when Tim is doing something something good, and then go check on him?




  1. I think they can see you whenever they want to.

  2. No one knows the answer to this question. On behalf of many investigators we would appreciate it if after you are deceased you come back and tell us.

    Hmm, some parents seem to have some ability (maybe just knowing the person) to know when their children are doing something wrong so I don't see why this would be lost when one is in spirit form.

    If anyone is snorting angel dust I'm sure they will at least think that many people and things are looking in and listening to their every word and thought.

    Edit: I guess I upset a couple of angel dust users.


  3. Well, dont you have a more difficullt question? I hope you don´t demand proofs, my friend!

    Sometimes, we do get a certain help from died relatives. When they die, there is some evidence that they stay around, up to a week. We can help them, willing them to "fly away" with a nice trip. There are Hindu books about how to make it. The technique is called "cutting laces".

    At the same time, some people ask for help to their died souls. And it works sometimes. But don't expect any guarantee or dates. You never know. The more you trust, the more you'll get.

    But don't get too nitty picky or paranoic like worrying if they will see whatever or do whatever.Don't feel they have a webcam or simmilar.  Leave them alone. And do your (good)job.

    Again, its OK if you ask for help/results, in a positevely manner.

    It's pure common sense, what I said, don't you think?

  4. yes, the deceased are very up to date on their relateves

  5. Our forefathers (and mothers) do indeed watch over us. With this in mind I'm sure that they will be able to see bad and good alike. I don't think that they will be summoned because we are doing good or bad, they just plain watch over us all the time. It is their link to the living world.

  6. I'm not sure how exactly it works, as souls, even they have no body, still have to travel in order to get where they're going. But yeah, when uncle Tom decides to pop in and check in on you, they see whatever it is you're doing pretty much. But I doubt they'd pop in while you were robbing a bank. I'd think they'd come to your home, where you live.

  7. Yes, it happens...I was in my car a few times when i quickly noticed the face of someone close to me appear in my side mirror, while i was being naughty with was the face of a deceased happened a few times...

  8. The deceased are busy but not to say they are not watching. I think they are aware of all things but not really watching everything. If you listen closely they can guide you. This is what we should do when we are contemplating doing wrong, look for guidance. We build our next "home" while we do what we do while we are here. This means that good deeds are building blocks for the next world or whatever we build. Bad deeds are sometimes not punished here but will build contrary to wants in the next life. Our "life force" is as old as everything. We have been here in different forms and can see it all when we die. Whether or not watching others on Earth is worth doing in the next existence, I dunno. But I think it is possible. When we talk of angels and gods, well, they are watching all the time; And they are real. I don't know if they are the deceased or not but they can guide. That thought about robbing banks or snorting angel dust is not only bad building blocks, they are also dangerous. Choices in life are not up to the angels but our own ignorance of guidance. We know in the front or back of our minds it is wrong. I had a near death/life experience and it showed me what happens to bad people when they die . I saw a person that I did not know having a look of horror, as if he knew where he was going and why all at the same time. I did not hear him say this but could tell that is what was foremost in his mind. He turned into a colorful "cloud" of light. There are these "tarlike" entities that I saw when I was a child and the cloud of light, that was this man, was suddenly absorbed by one,shortly after he turned to the light cloud. If you are interested you can read the story. It isn't complete but here it is...

    As a child I had an imaginary friend that told me what was going to happen. My mother was frightened and told me to kill Mr. Cardine. I would see black tar-like creatures and they were scary.

    One day when I had told mother when one of her friends got there would he take me to get ice cream. She just laughed and said that they were not coming because they were at the beach. They were there in 5 minutes and had not called. Mother got frightened and took me to the doctor and he told me that Mr. Cardine did not exist. Well, maybe not for him but for me he really did. Mr. Cardine told me not to talk about him to my mother and one day when I was talking to him and some of his friends mother saw me talking and came out there and beat me. She then told me if i did not kill him she would kill me. So I told Mr. Cardine and he told me to tell her he fell off the roof and broke his leg and died. I am 51 now and still see him in dreams and he narrates them

    I had an allergic reaction to peanuts in 1995, July 14. My heart stopped for ten minutes and I had the classic out of body experience. I was looking down from the ceiling of the hospital and Mr. Cardine's voice came to me and said: "Why have you worried so much in your life? What good is it now?' I turned to see him and the ceiling opened and the stars were brilliant. One star started to expand, or I was going toward it at a very fast pace and suddenly all I could see was light. It broke into colorful capsules swirling around and an opening formed and I saw where I could fit. I started to go in and the voice said: "Here is your assured place you have built. Have you finished everything you want in this life?" I thought about my woodcarvings and BOOM I am back in the hospital getting CPR. I said: "WHAT IN THE h**l AM I DOING BACK HERE!!!!!!!!" And the nurse said: "Fu*k that you ain't going to die on me now." They were going to shock me but I tried to get up and they held me down.

    They put me on a stretcher and to another room where a doctor had IV bags with steroids and stuff and adrenaline the line. I went into a state where Mr. Cardine took me on a tour of the universe. First he told me that: "This is what happens to people that build their next home by being greedy and evil." I saw the tar-like creatures for the first time since I was eight. Then a person that was living suddenly turned into colorful light and swirled and was absorbed by the tar-like creature. Then another and another and suddenly Mr. Cardine said: "This will happen to your mother." And I was sad for her.. (She has been so greedy and hateful to me all my life and it is too bad for her. She makes over 300,000 a year and I was homeless for 2 years after I got injured on the job that did not have workers comp). after I told her what I saw and heard. She dismissed it as an hallicination. for her sake, I hope so. Actually it was more real than anything I have ever experienced. It happened on July 14, 1993, I was 37.

    We live on this planet to do good things to build the next home we go to after we die. I think we have what I call a life force that is as old as the universe and we are just here for a short period to feel the "weight" of life in this form.

    I was not through with the journey yet though. Mr. Cardine took me on the final journey of intense wonderment. i saw things that I have no precedent to describe. All I can say is that I have never felt as good as i did when on the journeys; nothing ever felt like that. I want to go back but Mr. Cardine told me I had to do many things before I could come back. And he told me that I was going to suffer as I did good things for others. I can tell you that while journeying through the universe all I felt was LOVE like I have never felt. It was like the whole of love on earth could not even come close. Now I feel no matter what happens here I know my assured place and hopefully, if I do good things it may get better. I am into school and trying to get a degree in pshchology to help others to live a better life. I am not going to tell them about all this because they will think I am crazy. Hopefully I can make a difference so that others will build their next home in a light of colorful swirling capsules of love.

  9. Yes they can.  At any given moment there are spirits watching almost every thing we do.

    Like in the bible it says, "there is no hidden thing under the sun"'s true.

  10. Relatives, can either rest in peace or stay up on Earth

    Again I repeat myself

    Depending on the relationship between the relative and the human being is depending on if he/she is watching you

    By the looks of it ou are paranoid about your family

    Did someone die in your family? A relative?

    If someone did I can help you with that just say so.

    Read this

  11. Both my paternal grandparents died in their home. The house has been empty for like about 20 years. I can go in there and I'm no chicken but the hair on the back of my neck stands out and I get the "willys". It's like somebody is watching me.

    I also recall my friend having a camp, which was an old army hospital back decades ago, out near a lake. We spent the night there after a big party. The place had old hospital beds, IV hangers, hospital related equipment.

    Woke up about 2AM and went outside on the porch to "use the bathroom". I felt scared to death almost and was completely convinced that somebody was there watching me.

    Somehow I think maybe there were spirits in these places and they just didn't want anyone intruding on their territory.

  12. I really don't know...hasn't happened to me that I was aware of...but I'll take a guess. Have you ever started to do something you knew was wrong and something "nudged" you or gave you a little "shock" feeling? I'm thinking that might be them. If they encourage you to do something bad..either it wasn't their uncle...or they had a bad uncle. I think it's nice to know or believe  that someone is looking out for the welfare of their family member or loved one. I think it would be a good thing for someone to do after they die.

    Edit...Before I knew my husband had died...I said something about him..and got a "jolt". Then I came home and found out. Felt bad I had said that.

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