
Can deers get Parkinson?

by  |  earlier

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I fed the black tail deers everyday that come to my property. Yesterday four of the deers were shaking their rear legs continuely like they had Parkinson.

I wonder if someone fed them something that would cause they to act strange.




  1. no they caint.. they were mostlikly shaking there back legs cuz of the flies..

  2. Flies I bet -- but deer are known to get the brain wasting disease similar to cattle--mad cow disease. However, I doubt four deer would come down with that or anything else systematic at the same time. Biting FLIES

  3. I would suggest contacting the local University or a University in the nearest city - Call the life sciences department and tell them about the deer. They might be interested in studying this particular population of deer - Or if they're sick they can help.


    P.S. Parkinsons results from the degredation over time of the substantia nigra, a very important area of the limbic system in the brain of (I'm quite sure) all mammals. This disrups the pathway that controls movement. The deer could be shaking their legs for many reasons, not necessarily parkinsons - Parkinsons is not specific to the 'legs', it's in the brain so effects all movement.

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