
Can demons be sent back through a portal they have discovered?

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Does anyone know how to remove demons from a house, through the portal and then close it? Things are getting bad and it could be a while until we get help out here. I have the ability, but not the knowledge. I am an empathic/clairvoyant, and see the demons and through the portal also. Could someone tell me how to do this. I have searched the internet to no avail.




  1. ya know i had the same problem the other day, here's a few spells that i know

    Spell to Vanquish an Alchemist:

    Let flesh be flesh and bone be bone,

    The alchemist shall transform none,

    Cruel scientist of evil born,

    With these words face the fire's scorn

    Spell to Vanquish the Demon of Anarchy

    Sower of discord,

    Your works now must cease.

    I vanquish thee now,

    With these words of peace.

    Belthazor Vanquish:

    Mix a potion of toadflax, cardamom, carrot seeds, mandrake root, pigs feet, crickets, cockleshells, and a piece of the demon's flesh. After the potion is finished, recite the chant.

    Spirits of air, forests and sea;

    Set us of this demon free;

    Beasts of hoof and beasts of shell,

    Drive this evil back to h**l!

    Potion to Vanquish Bosk:

    Combine the following ingredients: mandrake, dark roasted wattleseed, dwarf milkweed, dried ragweed.

    Spell to Vanquish a Chameleon:

    Evil hiding in plain sight

    I use this spell with all my might

    To stop your changing form and shape

    This vanquish seals your fate

    Spell to Vanquish Cronyn and Doris:

    Use dust from a unicorn's horn to activate the spell

    Beast of legend, myth and lore,

    Give my words the power to soar

    And kill this evil, evermore.

    Spell to Vanquish Cryto:

    What witch has done

    And then undone

    Return this spirit back within

    And separate him from his skin.

    Spell to Vanquish a Dark Priest:

    Powers of light, magic of right

    Cast this blight into forever's night

    Spell to Vanquish Eames:

    Time for amends and a victim's revenge

    Cloning power turn sour

    Power to change turn to strange

    I'm rejecting your deflection

    Spell to Vanquish an Evil Spirit:

    Ashes to ashes,

    Spirit to spirit

    Take his soul

    Banish this evil

    Spell to Vanquish a Familiar Warlock:

    Nine times this evil's cheated death,

    Felt no pain and kept its breath.

    This warlock standing in our midsts,

    Let him feel what he has missed.

    Spell to Vanquish Gammill:

    Small of mind

    Big of woe

    The pain you cause

    You know will know

    Banishing a Ghost:

    To banish a ghost to oblivion pour this mixture over the departed bones.

    a palmful of pomegranate seeds ground into a fine powder

    a pinch of comfry root

    a pinch of blood meal

    a pinch of clematis seed

    a pinch of dried rhubard leaf

    Mix well. Add a chalice of twice blessed water and soil.

    Spell to Vanquish a Harpy:

    Claws of pain we have desevered

    Demon you are gone forever

    Spell to Vanquish the Demon of Illusion:

    Evil that has travelled near,

    I call on you to disappear,

    Elementals hear my call,

    Remove this creature from these walls.

    Spell to Invoke the Hand of Fatima:

    Evil eyes look onto me,

    May they soon extinguished be.

    Bend thy will to the Power of Three,

    Eye of earth, evil and a curse.

    Spell to Expel Isis:

    Two warring souls now burn inside

    Where only one can reside

    I call upon the power of three

    To save her body and set Paige free

    Spell to Vanquish a Libris

    Demon hide your evil face,

    Libris, die and leave no trace

    The Dispossessing Spell:

    Host soul reject the poison essence

    Let love's light end this cruel possession

    Spell to Vanquish a Lower-Level Demon:

    Hellspawn demon creature of death

    Fire shall take your every breath

    Spell to Vanquish Ludlow:

    The brutal winter

    Gives way to flowers of spring

    Ludlow is vanquished

    Spell to Vanquish Kurzon:

    h**l threw you from its inner core,

    But earth won't hold you anymore.

    Since heaven cannot be your place,

    Your flesh and blood we now erase.

    Spell to Vanquish Necron:

    Tide of evil washed ashore

    Bring its darkness ever more

    With all our strength we fight this fate

    Make this evil obliterate

    The Nicholas Must Die Spell:

    Lavender, mimosa, holy thistle,

    Cleanse this evil from our mists

    Scatter its cells throughout time

    Let this Nick no more exist

    Spell to Vanquish Seekers:

    Knowledge gained by murderous means

    Is wisdom's bitter enemy

    The mind that burns with stolen fire

    Will now become your funeral pyre

    Spell to Vanquish the Shapeshifters:

    When in the circle that is home

    Safety's gone and evil roams

    Rid all beings from these walls

    Save sisters three

    Now heed our call

    Spell to Vanquish Shax:

    Evil wind that blows

    That which forms below

    No longer may you dwell

    Death takes you with this spell

    Spell to Vanquish the Shocker Demon:

    Vanquish we three witches cry.

    One final shock and then you die.

    Spell to Vanquish the Source:

    Prudence, Patricia, Penelope, Melinda,

    Astrid, Helena, Laura and Grace

    Halliwell witches stand strong beside us

    Vanquish this evil from time and space

    Spell to Attract and Destory a Succubus... a moth to a flame. Draw the symbol of the masculine upon a consecrated space. With candles lit and full resolve, kneel on the symbol of all the succubus craves and intone the words that follow.

    By the forces of heaven and h**l,

    Draw to us this woman fell.

    Rend from her foul desire

    That she might perish as a moth to fire.

    The Curse for Matthew Tate:

    Combine herbs, scallions, and a feather of a spotted owl. Hold open the locket while reciting the chant.

    Outside of time

    Outside of gain

    Know only sorrow

    Know only pain

    Spell to Vanquish a Trok Demon:

    From other worlds far and near

    Let's get him the trok out of here

    The Warlock Spell:

    The power of three will set us free

    The power of three will set us free

    Spell to Vanquish Warlocks:

    Evil is a faithful foe

    But good does battle best

    We witches will with these words

    Waste this warlock's evil zest

    The Woogyman Vanquish:

    I am light

    I am one too strong to fight

    Return to dark where shadows dwell

    You cannot have this Halliwell

    So go away and leave my sight

    And take with you this endless night

    Spell to Vanquish Nigel:

    Snuff this warlock—his days are done—

    But make him good for the ecosystem.

    Spell to Vanquish the Slime Demon:

    Drawing on the power of three

    Destroy this evil entity

    Spell to Vanquish the Swarm King:

    Demons that swarm that serve as one

    Vanquish him from which they come

    Spell to Vanquish the Headless Horseman:

    Power of three, unite

    To end this grisly fright.

    Reverse the roles,

    And make us whole.

    Spell to Vanquish Gideon:

    We call upon ancient lore

    To punish with the power of four,

    Strike down this threat from both there and here,

    Make him suffer, then disappear.

  2. Mediums and psychics will only make it worse. If you are not christian, what i'm about to tell you might sound ridiculous to you but believe me, it is the only way. On through Jesus' name can you effectively remove demons. there is no other way.  

  3. No the portal is already closed. You have no choice but to kill the demons.

  4. Yes I know how demons can be removed from a house. But first thing you should know is that when become involved in the occult that gives demons the right to become attached to you and even possess you. The occult is one way or avenue that Satan uses to to destroy and hurt people. I would suggest therefore that you pray asking Jesus Christ to forgive you and your family for being involved in the occult because it is a sin. By praying I mean simply going somewhere privately and just talk to God (like you would a normal person) and ask for his forgiveness. Next ask him to cleanse you and your  family completely from the occult and to take away from you every single ability that you have that is occultic in origin. The occult is not something anybody should ever mess with. Then you need to command every evil spirit to leave your home in the name of Jesus Christ. By commanding them I mean telling them forcefully as if you could see them (like you would a human being) to leave you and your house alone, using the name of Jesus Christ. If you are still having trouble you can ask a pastor to pray for you, give you advice and bless your home. Take care!!!

  5. Yes they can & the portal seald after to keep them from coming back

    Yes I do & will tell you a method that works but you will need to have a great amount of faith in it to work!

  6. I think you will probably have to try and find out

    how the portal was opened in the first place

    if you are going to have any chance of success

    in attempting to close it.

    I  know that there are gateways to h**l

    that  resemble tornadoes in appearance.

    I will try to help & see if I can  find out

    some information for you,

    and then  possibly post something

    within the next day or so-

    or perhaps  even email you.

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