
Can different multiple infections be linked to one illness?

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I keep getting infections. I'm not dirty or anything I am constantly washing my hands and everything but within two months I've had some kind of throat infection, pink eye, and now I have a MRSA (staph infection). In October I also had mono and I'm just always tired. Could all these infections be linked to one illness? Or could this all be because of mono? Or do I just have a weak immune system?




  1. Have you had your spleen removed?

    You might need to start eating healthier but yes it may be a naturally weakened immune system. Certain medications such as any form of steroids can also lower your immune system and allow infections to run a  little more rampant than the average joe.

    Have you discussed this with your doctor? Usually they will do bloodwork for you. It would be interesting to know if he can find anything out that way.

    Might need to start eating healthier, sometimes its just that your body is not getting enough vitamins and nutrients to function at its best

  2. You should talk to your doctor.  Your infections may be due to separate issues, or to one illness.

      I don't mean to scare you, but AIDS is one illness which could result in a person getting multiple infections, because of the HIV virus' effect on the immune system, destroying the cells our bodies use to fight infections.

    You could have a weak immune system for other reasons, too, so talk with your doctor to find out exactly what the problem is.

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