
Can divison of family services take away kids becase of dirty house?

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Can divison of family services take away kids becase of dirty house?




  1. social services are a law onto themselves, they can and will remove any child from any-ones house whenever they want to. They will lie to get your children away from you, if they so desire.

    Children of this world are not safe while the ss have powers.

  2. having dealt with the department of family services before, I can tell you that they can and will take the kids from a home that has a dirty house if they feel that the home presents a health risk to the children or  the house presents a neglectful situation for the kids. All of this is open to interpretation, and is usually up to the caseworker's opinion, it is not a set group of rules and regulations, it is up to the parents to prove to the courts that their house poses no risk to the children. I do not agree with this policy but it seems that this is how it is. Like I said I have dealt with them on a couple of occasions and have had to prove to the courts that my house was ok, I got my kids back and finally got them off my ***. But it takes patience and time, keep your chin up

  3. Usually they don't do it unless there is f***s around the house. That's what one of our local social workers told me.

  4. I would think it would have to be conditions childrens health would be in no beds no food in house no clean clothes no heat or plumming.I have see them do it then but really has to be bad and if kids look sick they  most certainly would.My best friend use to be a caseworker for many years.She said she ws in some horrible homes but the kids got to stay there .So i would say has to be pretty bad.

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