
Can do I get answers from Australians only??

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I have a question that I need to ask about the Australian currency, that I know only Australians can answer. So could someone please help me to know how to block answers from everyone else but Australians..




  1. whats the question again

  2. im confused lol what was the question?

  3. im aussie, whats the question?

  4. You can't.  You can view Australian Only questions though.  Go to the bottom of the screen and it will list every country.  click on the word Australia.  Scoll up a bit and on the right had side you will see a drop box.  It should say ebglish Questions only but click and pick Australian Only Questions.  if you want to ask a questions that you only want Aussies to answer the best way is to mention it in the question.  Then place it under the Australia category.  you can even pick which state.  I think it is under travel.

  5. You can't stop non Australians from answering, but in this section, we're in the majority and you should be able to pick which ones we are. What's your question?

  6. if you want to know the currency it is Australian dollars now

    not pounds shillings and pence  if you want to know the exchange rate just go to an exchange place in your country to find out how much to change over currency

  7. There's no way of unilaterally blocking people from any other country from reading (and/or answering) your question.

    However, maybe you can find the answer you are looking for here.  It's the Reserve Bank of Australia's website.  It explains everything you need to know about our current currency.

    If you're looking for information on the currency we had before 14 February 1966 (ie Pounds, Shilling, & Pence), you can probably dig around in the RBA's website and find that information too.

    Otherwise, you can ask your question, and just hope that only Australians answer it.

    Good luck.

  8. I don't think you can block answers. If you know only Australians can answer it, why are you worried about others? They'll be the ones with the incorrect answers ;-)

    I'm Australian, however, so ask away.

  9. did you ask a question????

  10. There is no way to block who views or answers your questions.

    You are in the right section for a lot of Australians to actually be in.

    I am Australian and live on Hindmarsh Island in South Australia. What is your question?

  11. Go to any pub in London and ask the guy or girl behind the bar.

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