
Can doctors heal more people than God?

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Can doctors heal more people than God?




  1. Even if a doctor does the healing, it is God that allows the healing to occur. If God wants someone to die of a disease, no doctor in the world will be able to stop it.

  2. God works through the hands of the doctors so it's the same thing.

  3. God heals through a doctor's mind, heart & hands!♥

  4. Yes.  Doctors are real life people.  Some may even have a college education.  God, on the other hand, is a fairy tale, a myth.  Myths can't save anyone.  See what the myth did for New Orleans?  

  5. Jesus said unbelievers need physicians,,,if they believed on HIM ,HE would heal them by their beliefs...

  6. No.

    Jesus is the Great Physician.

  7. Doctors have that nifty li'l advantage of, you know, existing. :)

  8. Doctors  do not heal at all..  they  are  pill pushers  for them big guys   like..  Squibb..   Procter..and..WyanT..  along with   lots of others..

    God  on the other hand..  Well..   It   just   creates  the   whole  mess..   and  lets  it  rott  away  just  like what happens  when  you leave an apple  on the ground  for  a couple of  days...

    We  live  inside  that  "apple"..  doctors..  healers..  criminals.. cooks..  all of  us!!..

    So  eat your apple a  day!!..  and  stay   away from  the  Doc..!!


    good  question..  Boobie!!

  9. That reminds me of this cartoon:

  10. no

  11. Very unlikely. since they would run out of paitence.

  12. of course. Doctors are real.

  13. Who gave the doctor the gift?   God is the  Almighty healer of all and  doctors can do nothing without God.  

  14. Doctors don't heal people, only God does that. They can help the body to heal it's self, but they don't do the healing.  

  15. Unfortunately, doctors don't even heal people. They only treat your symptoms. God doesn't heal people either, but I think he's worse because he gives people the impression that he does. At least doctors will say they can't do anything for you.

  16. Doctors can't heal anyone and god doesn't exist.

    Only you can heal yourself.

    Doctors can "treat" you, but they can't "heal" you.

  17. The doctors heal, but the religious nuts still give credit to their gods..

  18. Yes, they can and do heal a lot more people than does god.  But guess what...   Nature heals still more than doctors.

  19. When you get sick, go to your church instead of the hospital and your question will be answered.  

  20. The doctors only take credit for the failures.

  21. God created all in His image and likeness, including Doctors...

  22. God gives doctors the wisdom to heal people.  He does His best work through them.

  23. That would be a big, fat yes, doctors heal 100% more people than God.  

  24. Yes, because doctors exist.

  25. Doctors: Millions

    God: 0

    Unicorns: 0

    Leprechauns: 0

    See how this works?

  26. Gods don't "do" anything. Ever seen an angel perform open heart surgery?

    Doctors help the body heal itself. :)

  27. doctors are able to heal BECAUSE of God.  but God is the great physician and able to heal where doctor's cannot

  28. God gives doctors the resources to help people become more healthy.

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