
Can doctors increase the possibilities of my wife and i have a baby girl and not a baby boy?

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Can doctors increase the possibilities of my wife and i have a baby girl and not a baby boy?




  1. they way they can do that is by you giving them sperm and they do their microscope thing and getting the female sperm and injecting them into the egg. but you will pay out the butt for that. i have heard that having s*x a few days before ovulation and not having s*x the day of ovulation will help for a girl. it is supposed to ahve something to do with the fact that the boys swim faster and die sooner so you have s*x early and give the boys time to swim and swim around up there before the egg is released and they die quicker than females so by the time most of the femalse get up there she will finally be ovulating and they are there when the egg is released and the males are dead. I dont know truth to that but it is what i have heard. i have also heard that putting hips as high as you can for 30 minutes or longer will give the girls a boost to get there. also heard something about the male taking a shower but dont remember if it wa a warm or cold shower you could look it up. one of the temps of showers before s*x helps boost one s*x but look that one up youcould also check the chineese gender chart for her age and the month of conception. have also heard eating lots of salty items get a boy so just get her to lay off the salt potato chips and pretzles. and eat sweets and lots of chocolate i have read that also. again all of these are all old wives tales but hey it doesnt hurt to try right.  good luck to both of us on ttc a girl!!!!  

  2. Have you heard of shettles method. As another poster stated, it's under a theory that girl sperms are slower in speed but live longer while boy sperms are quicker in speed but die earlier.

    To increase the odds of conceiving a girl baby, it is recommended to time intercourse daily from the end of your period up to 2 to 3 days before you anticipate ovulation to take place.

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