
Can doctors tell the difference between heroin and suboxen on a drug test?

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I have been doing heroin for the past year. I have been clean for about a month, I used suboxens to get off, but have relapsed. I am being drug tested tomorrow. Can i blame it on the suboxen? Can they tell the difference or do they both show up as opiates? This is a urine test.




  1. Without all the judgement you tend to get for asking questions like this the answer is "no" you can't blame it on suboxone. Suboxone like methadone is a different variety of morphine and takes a very specialized test to identify. Unless your probation office is ahead of the curve they probably don't even have this test available. If you have used heroin again you'll have to face up to it. Unless your PO or whatever is a dummy and doesn't know this fact, but that is unlikely. Your best bet if this is a probation type thing, is to be honest and tell them that you got clean a month ago, but you blew it in the past couple of days. If you are honest and don't try to lie to them like they are stupid and level with them like men, they will probably surprise you. Good Luck, it's a tough road to hoe but you'll make it.

  2. hey ok my boyfriend is an addict and i've only tried it once but being with him and living with him i know the ins and outs of dope pretty good. people are sometimes surprised like sure u're not recovered? lol

    ok so about your question-it depends on whose testing you. he was gettin tested at the courthouse up the street, cuz he was on probation and the suboxone did show up as an opiate, but he brought his prescription and his suboxones with him in the original bottle so they couldn't really say anything-he needed to be on that ****.

    HOWEVER-at the clinic obviously they know the difference between when he's  been using and when he hasnt, cuz he gets tested every week before getting his pills. the suboxone is SUPPOSED to show up-but if he tests dirty he won't get em, or he'll get less. the tests at the doctors office are more sensitive.

    STOP USING!!!! STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT!!! YOU WERE DOIN GREAT!!! ok? you can still do it yo....don't you dare go cop again!!! take your suboxone and lay down, watch a movie. eat a honey bun, something else!!!! write me if you need advice or have any questions i don't judge. being locked up is the only thing that woulda got my boyfriend off the habit he caught...he was doing like 6 bags a day when he got caught.

    who is in your life supporting you and pushing you to do good?

    holla at me if anything

  3. Hmmmm interesting - both are opiods , but heroin is a recretional drug.

    Suboxone is a partial agonist and consists of buprenorphine while i think heroin is synthesised from morphine.

    I'll think they test for these constituents which are different in both substances.

    Without a 12 step program taking Suboxone alone might leave you still miserable and dishonest as the active user

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