
Can does litter contribute do global warming?

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*How does litter pick contribute to global warming?




  1. Litter, per se, does not contribute to global warming. Global warming and the greenhouse effect are natural. The primary causes of an ENHANSED greenhouse effect, or anthropogenic (man made) global warming is carbon emissions from energy production and transportation, and deforestation.

    Mindless consumption of an item that is just going to be tossed contributes, to a very small extent, to global warming because of the production and transportation of that needless item.

  2. Litter ends up in a dumping-site so I'd say yes. Logically thinking, litter is not biodegradable and neither is it sorted according to its components. It is inevitable that litter piled indiscriminately will combine and cause a chemical reaction which will produce gasses that rise and affect the atmosphere. Think of the smell oozing from dumping-sites and the thought process might not seem that far fetched. Burying the rubbish is equivalent to sweeping things under the carpet as it only pollutes the earth and all that sprouts from it. If it is not biodegradable, it will be a future problem.

  3. Watch "an inconvenient truth" and you will get your answers.

  4. i agree of what Benjamin said. I just want to add that we, human, is part of the nature. so, whatever we do, is naturally natural, what we did and do, is basically the same with other creatures did and do. We breathe, we eat, etc. The only reason why the other creatures don't produce so much carbons like we do, is that because they are not smart enough to do so, if they do, they will do the same thing to this earth. They will suck all energy they can find and get fat, like what we did and do.

    Do you know one of the reason why some of us choose to drive car instead of walking? we are just too lazy to walk, and then why are we too lazy? because it feels good. It feels good because it feels great to store a huge energy in your stomach, just the same reason why we love the taste of fatty foods. Don't tell me that lions and tigers prefer to eat rabbits instead of cows. It's our nature. We prefer to gain more(energy) and spend less(energy), just like the laws of economics, huh. The only way to slow down the global warming is to spend more energy(look for fuel cell technology), which is absurd, why do you eat cakes and then vomit it again?!

    So, if global warming is really happening, SO BE IT, it will not be the end of life on earth. Nature always has a way to set balance herself. Remember, what Newton said, "To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction", when you throw up an apple, it will fall back down with the same energy you thrown it up.

    I bet those who fear of global warming, don't have much knowledge on physic and math.

  5. No, it does not. Only burning coal and oil and natural gas contributes to global warming. If it requires burning one of those fuels to litter, then there would be an indirect connection, but really, come on. Global warming is all about using fossil fuel and nothing else.

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